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Andrew Lionel Blais, PhD edited this page May 14, 2014 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the VirtualHarry wiki!

From the README…​.

Copyright 2014 by Andrew L. Blais. This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.

Virtual Harry is a python simulation of Harry Porter’s relay computer. See his website.

He has a number of documents explaining how he built his relay computer. About two years ago, I though that it would be interesting to write a simulation of his machine. At first, I tried javascript. The result was a mess. Partly because javascript is complicated by having to play nice with a bunch of different browsers. Partly because writing a simulation of the physical machine is kind of hard. I partly got as far as I have by separating what the relays did from how the relays worked together to do what they do. Instead of thinking of relays, I thought of a relatively smart winged monkey flying amongst rows of boxes filled with 0s and 1s.

It has occurred to me that VH is a piece of conceptual art. It explores the platitude that computers are, at bottom, 0s and 1s. If you think about it, there is no reason that VH could not have been implemented as a very long series of boxes, or as a very long tape, whose contents are manipulated by the extremely clever winged monkey. So, if you see how VH works, you see how a Turing machine works. I think.

The organization of the code follows the model-view-controller paradigm. The various parts of the view are in files with "face" in their names. They can be run as independent programs, although they do not do anything but make an appearance. The model is essentially in, which itself makes use of,,, and The alu can be run on the command line. Oh, yes, I used Eclipse as my code editor; the various eclipse files are in this archive.

VirtualHarry is run with: ./

The function of the alu can be set with F0, F1 and F2. Doing this determines the result. The chosen function is highlighted in red. Pushing "Send Result to Data Bus" does exactly that. One of the ways that VH differs from Harry’s relay computer is that the result of the alu is not automatically "gated" onto the data bus. It is necessary to explicitly move the result of the alu to the data bus. This also makes for a difference in the way that the execute phase works, that is, in the fetch-increment-execute cycle.

By pushing the various 8 bit load buttons, their respective reisters are filled with the content of the data bus. Similarly for the address bus.

VirtualHarry can be programmed using the "Relay Computer Instruction Set", which can be found at:

(Include instruction set in VH?)

Essentially, more or less, use a procedure somewhat like this:

(1) Enter an address where the command is to be stored in memory. (2) Enter a command into the data bus. (3) Push write to memory. (4) If the command wasn’t halt, go back to (1), else your’e done. (Well, maybe not, since halt may be buried somewhere that the program eventually finds.)

I have made a number of functions in the core that write various programs to the memory. Under "Testing", select a test program such as "multiplyPGM" or "testGOTOpgm". Press "Load Test". Then decided whether you want to step through the program’s commands or have it just run through all of them without pause.

(Need a function that clears the memory?)

(By the way, these functions call on lists stored in If you look there, you will see lists of tuples whose first element is a list that corresponds to a memory address and whose second element is a list that corresponds to a command expressed in 0s and 1s that will be stored or written to that address. The significantly decluttered

In any case…​.

If the later, press the "no step" button. It will turn red. Then press the RUN button. You will see a description of each command pass by on the command line.

If the former, leave the "no step" button alone, and simply press RUN. Then, to proceed through the series of commands, press STEP.

For example, enter "00001010" (10) into the data bus. Then press "Load C". You will see the alu change state. Enter "00000110" (6) into the data bus. Then press "Load B". Again, you will see the alu change state. Now, press "test subtract". Press RUN.

The command line will scroll by with various descriptions of the commands. Finally, it will stop. I hope. And, the last command should be represented by a description of halting. In the A register, you should see "00000100", that is, 4.

The "test multiply" function works in essentially the same way. Except that the arguments are entered into X and Y. Note that M1 must be empty.

Feedback is desirable. I’d like to see additional tests.

There is an uptime clock. It has nothing to do with VH’s computing however. There was an empty space and I thought it would be cool to put an uptime clock there. It seems obvious that there should be a way to implement this program in a way that also simulates a clock and the timing required by actual physical relays. This might be done with buches of threads, I suspect. Human Harry, Porter that is, has a very interesting and informative pdf book that describes the workings of the timings and such.

Check it out at:

There is also a movie…​.

The memory module has four buttons: random, clear, read and write. Read and write do exactly those things relative to the current value of the address bus and the data bus. Random fills all pow(2,15) bytes with random 0s and 1s. Push "random mem". Then push "NOSTEPS". Then push "RUN", and you’ll have the moral equivalent of a lava lamp. This raises interesting questions about whether VH will HALT for any given random filling of the memory. Hmmm…​the halting problem…​. How does that proof go?

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