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Flowjs uploader for Yii2

Development in progress, do not use it in production

Readme in Russian (with a security question)


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Add this repository to you composer.json:

"repositories": [
    "type": "vcs",
    "url": ""

and run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist andrew72ru/yii2-flowjs 

or add

"andrew72ru/yii2-flowjs": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Set up you application modules:

'modules' => [
    'flowjs' => [
        'class' => 'andrew72ru\flowjs\Module',
        'tempChunksDirectory' => '@runtime/flow-chunks', // Optional. Path to temp directory
        'allowedNamespaces' => ['common', 'frontend'], // Allowed namespace of class with callback method. Default is andrew72ru\\
        'callback' => ['andrew72ru\flowjs\Module', 'defaultCallback'], // Optional. default callback for controller action upload


Basic widget for upload one image file in \andrew72ru\flowjs\widgets\UploadImageWidget.

Example call in ActiveForm:

<?= $form->field($model, 'fileAttribute')->widget(\andrew72ru\flowjs\widgets\UploadImageWidget::className(), [
    'preview' => 'path/to/preview/file.jpg',
    'callbackClass' => '\class\with\namespase\Class',
    'callbackMethod' => 'callbackMethodName'

How it works

UploadImageWidget do not create a file-input field, it is call Flow with Module::defaultRoute url, system _csrf, callbackClass and callbackMethod parameters. Flow send a post-requests for controller, controller saves the file and when file is saved, call the [callbackClass, callbackMethod] as callable function with server file path.

The upload controller checks the callbackClass and callbackMethod params to:

  • callbackClass exists,
  • callbackMethod in this class exists too,
  • callbackMethod is static, and
  • callbackClass in namespace listed in allowedNamespaces array of module configuration.
    For example, common\models\MyModel::myUpload method will work with configuration parameter allowedNamespaces => ['common'], but frontend\models\SomeClass::someMethod will not.

If there conditions are not met, controller calls a default module method defaultCallback.


  • create widgets for upload many files / directory
  • Acceptance / functional tests with JS support



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