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Jhoose Security module for Optimizely

This module adds several security features to an Optimizely website.

  • User interface to manage the Content Secutiry Policy (CSP) policy for your site.
  • User interface to manage the Recommended Security headers and add to the response headers.

This module fully supports

  • Optimizely 12, .NET (6.0-8.0)
  • Episerver 11, .Net Framework 4.7.1 and Optimizely 12, .NET 5.0 Legacy Documentation

Jhoose Security


Install the package directly from the Optimizley Nuget repository.

dotnet add package Jhoose.Security.Admin
Install-Package Jhoose.Security.Admin

Content Security Policy

  • Interface to manage policies.
  • Global 'report only' mode, or specify for each policy.
  • Ability to specify paths which are excluded from outputting the policy header.

Review the Admin Interface documentation for more detail on how to manage the policies.



using Jhoose.Security.DependencyInjection;

The Action<SecurityOptions> options is optional and if not specified then the default will be used.

  "JhooseSecurity": {
    "ExclusionPaths": [

ExclusionPaths: Any request which starts with a path specified in this property will not include the CSP header.


Nonce tag helper

It is possible to get a nonce added to your inline <script> and <style> tags.


@addTagHelper *, Jhoose.Security.Core
<script nonce src="/assets/js/jquery.min.js"></script>

Recommended Security Headers

The following recommended security headers are now automatically added to the response header.

The headers can be managed directly via configuration, or via a user interface.

Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000;
X-Frame-Options: deny
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: none
Referrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin
Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp
Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin
Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy: same-origin

The following headers are automatically removed


The following headers cannot be removed programatically, but information about how to modify the web.config is contained below.


User Interface

When the user interface is enabled, the options set by the configuration method are ignored.

services.AddJhooseSecurity(_configuration, (o) =>
    o.UseHeadersUI = true;



If you want to manage the headers via configuration then you will need to disable the interface first.

The values can be set using appSettings.json, or directly in the startup using the SecurityOptions class.

services.AddJhooseSecurity(_configuration, (o) =>
    o.UseHeadersUI = false;
    o.XFrameOptions.Mode = Jhoose.Security.Core.Models.SecurityHeaders.XFrameOptionsEnum.SameOrigin;
"JhooseSecurity": {
      "Enabled": true,

Server Header and X-Powered-By Header

These aren't removed, the reason being

  1. When hosting within Optimizley DXP, the CDN will obfuscate the server value anyway.
  2. The approach is different depending on how you are hosintg your site.
    // program.cs
    .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>
        webBuilder.ConfigureKestrel(o => o.AddServerHeader = false);
IIS 10
<!-- web.config -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <requestFiltering removeServerHeader="true" />

                <clear />
                <remove name="X-Powered-By" />


By default any user with the 'CmsAdmins' role can access the module, this can be changed at startup if you need to further restrict access.

    configurePolicy:   (p) =>

API Access

The security headers can be accessed via a Rest API, this is useful if you are using Optimizely to manage the content, but not presentation.

Access to the Rest API is secured by authentication keys, each consumer must include a valid key in the header.

Webhooks are used to notify any consumer that the security headrers have changed.

Nonce value

Each request must include a 'nonce'. This value should not be consistent and change between each request.


POST /api/jhoose/headers HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
X-API-Key: ...
{'nonce': '1234567890' }

Version History

Version Details
1.0 Initial Release
1.1 Added Recommended Security Headers
1.2 Ported to support Episerver 11 and .Net Framework 4.7.1
Automatically remove (X-AspNet-Version, X-AspNetMvc-Version)
1.3 Added .Net6 Support
1.4 Included support for the Optimizely nonce service
1.5 #64, #65 Resolved issue with duplicate headers being added and crashing the solution
#70 Resolved issue the report-to directive being incorectly configured
1.5.2 Add support for ws and wss protocols
Add support for seperate report-uri and report-to endpoints
2.0.0 Removed support for CMS 11/.Net Framework
Added support for .NET7 and .NET8
New interface for managing security headers (#74)
Fix issues #79, #80, #81 (Supports Readonly mode)
2.1.0 Add ability to customise the access policy for the module
Consistent serialization approach, ignores global settings
2.2.0 API Access to Security headers
2.2.1 Bug with the module not working when edit segment is different to the default 'episerver'.
2.2.2 Bug with response header cache not being cleared after a change.