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Releases: andrewrosss/multicommand


26 Mar 06:23
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Bump version: 0.1.1 → 1.0.0


08 Jun 07:46
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  • 🎉 Create documentation website 🎉
  • Migrate package to use src/ layout
  • Add pre-commit as a dev dependency
  • Update black to newer version


24 May 04:26
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  • Make sure to always initialize a root index parser (if one doesn't already exist) so that multicommand.create_parser(...) always returns a useable ArgumentParser (instead of raising an exception).

    This way multicommand.create_parser(...) can be called on a package that has no parsers, and will still behave sensibly.

  • Check that found parsers are actually (sub-classes of) ArgumentParser, skip them if they aren't.

  • Fix bug in _requires_subparsers

  • Improve help for subcommands


09 Apr 05:26
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  • Fix: Fix prog=... for intermediate index parsers. Prior to this these parsers would only show the command name (sys.argv[0]) and the last parser's name, but none of the intermediate parser's names, which meant the usage string was wrong.
  • Update: Add a license (MIT)
  • Update: Change registry data structure from List[Tuple[PurePath, ArgumentParser]] -> OrderedDict[PurePath, Dict[str, ArgumentParser]]


06 Apr 04:51
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Documentation release


05 Apr 04:28
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  • Update: Refactored to simplify the structure of the create_parser(...) function. Moreover, the keys in the parser registry (OrderedDict) are now pathlib.PurePath objects instead of tuples. The motivation for this change was because the registry keys (Tuple[str, ...] objects) were already basically being treated like pathlib.Path objects and it made the registry key manipulation easier to read and understand.
  • Update: pyproject.toml (added keywords)


04 Apr 04:45
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  • Update: load_parsers now uses pkg.__name__ when loading parsers into the parser registry (OrderedDict). Prior to this, the value commands was hardcoded meaning that for multicommand to work the subpackage housing all of the parsers had to be called mypkg.<blah>.commands.
  • Update: Documentation
    • General housekeeping: Fixed typos, fixed broken links, added PyPI badge, etc.


03 Apr 07:56
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  • Fix: Fixed the scenario where "intermediate" commands were not defined. When that happened multicommand wouldn't have intermediate parsers to link terminal parsers to the root parser.

    Specifically, if there was say a single command defined as: commands/mytopic/mycommand/ (with appropriate files) multicommand would crash, because the index parsers required to exist "between" the parser defined in and the root parser (created by multicommand) weren't getting created, and the application would crash.

This release also adds a very basic README and a simple example demonstrating the basic usage of multicommand.


02 Apr 06:33
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  • Update: Forward parser config on subparser creation
  • Update: Add custom prog=... when linking parsers to accurately reflect the expected command invocation
  • Maintenance: Add comments, clean up type hints, update pyproject.toml


01 Apr 05:38
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