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User Stories

Andrew S Cohen edited this page Mar 2, 2021 · 3 revisions

User Auth

As a user without an account, I want to sign up for an account via a form so that I can log in.

  • What information do I need to sign up?

    • Users will need to provide their username, email address, a password and indicate what type of account they're registering for.
  • Where am I redirected after signing up?

    • Users will be redirected to their personal dashboard
  • What happens if I enter a username or email that is already in use?

    • Users will be stopped from creating an account with an existing email or username

As a user with an account, I want to log in to my account.

  • What information do I need to log in?

    • Users can enter either their username or email along with their password
  • Where am I redirected after successfully logging in?

    • Users will be redirected to their personal dashboard
  • What happens if I try to log in with the wrong credentials?

    • Users will be given a message telling them their credentials weren't valid
  • If I'm on the log in page but I don't have an account, what can I do to sign up?

    • Users can click a link on the login form to be redirect to the signup page

As a logged-in user, I want to be able to log out.

  • How can I log out of my session?
    • Users can click the "Log Out" button in the navbar dropdown to log out

As a user without an account, I want to be able to test out the website.

  • How can I log in without creating an account?
    • Users can click the "Demo Student" button on the login form
    • Users can click the "Demo Instructor" button on the login form


As an instructor I want to be able to create new courses.

  • Can an instructor have more than one course?

    • Yes
  • How would I be able to create a course?

    • Instructors can click a button either on their profile page or the navbar to be redirected to a form page to create a course.
  • What information do I need to supply to create a new course?

    • Instructor will need to provide a photo, name, description, and select a category
  • What happens once I successfully submit the form to create a new course?

    • Instructor will be redirected to the newly created course's detail page
  • How can I access my courses once they are created?

    • There will be a tab that says "My Courses" that will take an instructor to a page that displays all of their courses
    • There will be tiles on the "My Courses" page that when clicked, will bring an instructor to their courses
  • What will I see when I click into a specific course?

    • Instructors will see the option to create a new lesson as well as view the course like a student would see it.

Create A New Section

As an instructor who has a course, I want to be able to segment the learning into sections to hold lessons.

  • How would I be able to create a new section?

    • Instructors can click a button on the course page that pop up open a modal form to create a new section.
  • What information do I need to supply to create a new section?

    • Instructor will need to provide a section title and designate what order they want it to be in the course
  • What happens once I successfully submit the form to create a new section?

    • The course page will reload with the newly created section will be there

As an instructor who has a section, I want to be able to edit or deleted sections.

  • How do I edit a section?
    • Instructors can click an edit or delete button next to the displayed title of the section. To edit the content of a section, an instructor would actually just edit or delete the lessons.


As an instructor with sections, I want to be able to add, edit and delete lessons.

  • How would I be able to create a new lesson?

    • Instructors can click a button on the section page to add a new lesson.
  • What can I see on the Create A Lesson page in each section?

    • Instructors will be asked if it is a text lesson or a video lesson. If it is a text lesson, they can upload documents to display such as a markdown file. If it is a video, they will be asked to provide a link to the video, so the app can embed it into the site for display.

As an instructor, I want to be able to modify my lessons.

  • If I created a lesson, how can I edit its page?

    • If an instructor wants to edit or delete their lesson, there will be buttons next to each lesson on the Sections page to do so. The page will delete if a delete is selected and if they want to edit it, they can just reupload the new resources.

As an instructor, I want to be able to write quizzes for each section.

  • Instructors can click a button on the section page to add a new quiz.

  • What can I see on the Create A Quiz page in each section?

    • Instructors can add questions with either "True/False" values or a maximum of 4 choices in a multiple choice question.
  • Is there a limit to how many questions I can submit?

    • Not at this time
  • What if I want to edit or delete a question?

    • There will be a button next to either question that allows you to edit the text of a question, any of the answers or just delete the whole thing
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