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User Stories

Andrew S Cohen edited this page Mar 2, 2021 · 3 revisions

User Auth

As a user without an account, I want to sign up for an account via a form so that I can log in.

  • What information do I need to sign up?

    • Users will need to provide their first and last name, email address, username, and a password to register.
  • Where am I redirected after signing up?

    • Users will be redirected to their personal dashboard
  • What happens if I enter a username or email that is already in use?

    • Users will be stopped from creating an account with an existing email or username

As a user with an account, I want to log in to my account.

  • What information do I need to log in?

    • Users can enter either their username or email along with their password
  • Where am I redirected after successfully logging in?

    • Users will be redirected to their personal dashboard
  • What happens if I try to log in with the wrong credentials?

    • Users will be given a message telling them their credentials weren't valid
  • If I'm on the log in page but I don't have an account, what can I do to sign up?

    • Users can click a link on the login form to be redirect to the signup page

As a logged-in user, I want to be able to log out.

  • How can I log out of my session?
    • Users can click the "Log Out" button in the navbar dropdown to log out

As a user without an account, I want to be able to test out the website.

  • How can I log in without creating an account?
    • Users can click the "Demo User" button on the login form

Art Map (Google Maps API)

I want to be able to search for art locations.

  • How would I be able to search for art locations?

    • Users can enter cities into the search bar that persists in the navbar, regardless of whether or not they have an account
  • How will search results be displayed?

    • After a user performs a search, a map will be populated with art locations for the searched city
    • Art locations will also be displayed in a list format
  • What can I do with the search results?

    • Users can click on either the map item or list item of their choosing to be redirected to the art location's detail page

User Profile

As a logged-in user, I want to be able to view a user profile that displays art walks and locations created by that user.

  • If I'm on my own user profile, what additional functionality do I have access to?
    • I can create, edit, or delete art walks

Create A New Location (Form)

As a logged-in user, I want to be able to create a new art location.

  • How would I be able to create a new art location?

    • Users can click a button either on their profile page or the navbar to be redirected to a form page to create a new location.
  • What information do I need to supply to create a new location?

    • Users will need to provide a photo, street address, city, state, ZIP code, and optionally a title, description, and the artist of the artwork
  • What happens once I successfully submit the form to create a new location?

    • Users will be redirected to the newly created location's detail page

Location Detail Page

As a user with or without an account, I want to be able to view an art location's detail page.

  • What can I see on the detail page for a given art location?
    • The art location's detail page will display a photo of the artwork along with its address and potentially a title, description, and the artist.
    • Art location detail pages will also display a list of comments

As a logged-in user, I want to be able to modify my created art locations.

  • If I created an art location, how can I edit its page?

    • If a user is looking at a detail page for a location they created, they'll be able to click an "Edit" button
  • How can I delete one of my locations?

    • Currently, users do not have the option to delete art locations.

As a logged-in user, I want to be able to write comments on art location pages.

  • How can I write a comment on an art location's page?
    • Users can enter their comment into a textarea displayed above the list of comments
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