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File metadata and controls

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Elementary Web Application


  • Route handler - the mapping of a url to a subroutine
  • Route types:
    1. where all the data is in the url but not a GET
    2. GET query
    3. POST query
  • Template - HTML files embedded with [% directives %]

We assume you've done a static website. A simple HTML page. The only active part of a static website is a link to take you from one static page to another. For example <a href="">Example</a>

More interesting is a website where clicking on a button will do some data mining and generate a new page on the fly. That's an example of a 'Web Application' and this class will take you through putting one together.

Exercise 1 - An index route

Create the script part1/ex1/


use Dancer;

set logger  => 'console';
set log     => 'debug';
set show_errors => 1;

get '/' => sub {
    return "Hello World!";


Running it at the command line you should get something like:

$ ./
>> Dancer server 11757 listening on

See what happens when you visit the url with your browser. Replace '' with the IP address of the machine you're working on.

Things to note about the code:

  • 'use Dancer' brings along 'use strict' and 'use warnings' so we don't need to type them.
  • The three settings
  set logger    => 'console';
  set log       => 'debug';
  set show_errors => 1;

are telling it to keep you informed of what the problem is when things go wrong to make sure you get as much information as possible. You'll want to log errors to a file once it's a public website.

  • get '/' => sub {} says, on an HTTP GET request, call the subroutine on the right of the arrow to generate the content of the page to be displayed.

  • Dancer->dance; This is an example of a method call on an object. To use Moose we don't need to understand how to develop Perl objects - we just need to get a feel for how to use them.

Now the following commands would have looked a bit suspicious to the Perl newbie:

set logger    => 'console';
get '/' => sub {
    return "Hello World!";

This is just a bit of Perl cosmetics to change the focus of the reader from the subroutine being called, to its arguments. The first of these could just as well have been written

set('logger', 'console');

Rewrite the whole script in this way, save it as part1/ex1/

and run it to see that it behaves exactly the same as

HINT: to understand the get 's second argument set

my $hwsub = sub {
    return "Hello World!";

before calling 'get' on $hwsub.


$ cp part1/ex1/ part1/ex1/

and change the output to be a bit prettier using HTML tags:

<h1>Hello World!</h1>

Exercise 2: A non-index route

$ cp part1/ex1/ part1/ex2/

and create another route handler for the URL

which returns <h1>Turn it all around people!</h1>

HINT: Instead of get's first argument as '/' it should be '/hello'

Exercise 3: Non-static pages

We've shown how to write static pages, but that's no better than plain HTML. First,

$ cp part1/ex1/ part1/ex3/

and then add a new route handler 'date_time' which shows not just 'Hello World', but also the time.

That is:


Displays a page containing:

Hello world, the time is now 2002-12-06 14:02:29


  • Calculate the time using the DateTime module, its now creation method, and its ymd and hms methods.

  • $ perldoc DateTime

  • Calculate the string to display in the in the route handler

my $dt = DateTime->now(time_zone => 'Europe/Riga'); #### FIXME $time should be $dt in the answers
my $s_date = $dt->ymd; my $s_time = $dt->hms;

Exercise 4: Template Toolkit

Now from the previous exercise you are generating HTML from within a script. For a small and simple HTML file that's ok, but if it gets any bigger it will be very difficult to read the script picking out the HTML from the Perl or vice versa.

This is what a Template is for - you can separate out the HTML into a different file with directives [% date %] and [% time %] which will be filled in by the variables in the Perl script.


$ cp part1/ex3/ part1/ex4/

and we'll now change the

    get '/time' 

route handler. Instead of returning an HTML string, return

    template 'date_time' => { time => $dt->hms, date => $dt->ymd };


    template('date_time', { time => $dt->hms, date => $dt->ymd });

if it makes you feel safer :)

At the top of the file, add these configuration parameters telling Dancer you'll be using a template file.

 set engines => {
     template_toolkit => 
         start_tag => '[%',
         stop_tag  => '%]'
 set template  => 'template_toolkit';

Now, running the script and pointing your browser at will give you runtime errors saying that it's looking for the file


To fix this, create the file with any HTML content you like, and making use of the strings [% date %] and [% time %] which will be filled in by Dancer::Template

Run it and make sure it works. The things to note about this:

  • template 'date_time' means "look for views/ in the views directory
  • the hash ref { time => $dt->hms, date => $dt->ymd } says "Whenever you see [% time %] replace it with $dt->hms and whenever you see [% date %] replace it with $dt->ymd

For further information about Template Toolkit directives visit this page

Exercise 4'


$ cp part1/ex4/ part1/ex4/

and swap the order of the set template and set engines calls.

What happens?

... It's a Dancer 1.3 bug - no-one's perfect!

Exercise 5: Route Type 1 - parameterised base URL


$ cp part1/ex2/ part1/ex5/

then modify the /hello route handler to take another parameter. That is, instead of writing

get '/hello' => sub {};

we write

get '/hello/:adjective' => sub {};

Then within the associated subroutine, the variable params->{adjective} will be the string in the URL after /hello/

Therefore, we can change

  return "<h1>Turn it all around people!</h1>";


  return "<h1>Turn it all around ".params->{adjective}." people!</h1>";

Then navigate to the page:


Implement this and see that it works.


  • params is a method returning a hashref of all the parameters

  • This technique is great for auto-generated URLs which might populate a site-map for search engines to explore your website.

  • It's much prettier as a URL than the two other approaches below.


We've just seen how we can use parameterised URLs for generating content, but this is not the way for implementing pages which take their parameters from human input. You don't want them to have to type their name into the URL. It would be easier for them to type it into a field in a web page. The two approaches for implementing this are the GET and POST type forms.

Exercise 6: Route type 2 - GET query

$ cp part1/ex4/ part1/ex6/
  • Remove all the route handlers except '/' which should now be
get '/' => sub {
    template 'hello-adj-index';

NOTE Don't remove the set s only remove the get s!!

  • Create a new template views/ containing
<h1>GET form for accessing the hello-adj get method</h1>
<form action="hello-adj" method="get">
  Adjective: <input type="text" name="adjective" /><br />
  <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
  • In part1/ex6/ add a /hello-adj-index method
get '/hello-adj' => sub {
  my $params = params();
  "<h1>Hello ".params->{adjective}." Things!</h1>"


Run it and see that if you visit the website at

and enter a name like 'dynamic' and click submit, it will display the page

and say 'Hello dynamic Things!'

Exercise 7: Route Type 3 - POST query

$ cp -r part1/ex6 part1/ex7

You've just done two experiments with dynamically generating content of the web page based on information the user provided. In both cases, this information wound up in the URL.

Putting the user's information into the url isn't the correct approach when the action changes the state of the server, or the information being passed in exceeds the limit on the url length (for a detailed explanation of why this is, see In this case we put the user's information in the header of the HTTP request, rather than the url. This is called a POST request.

With a POST we need to do two things. First of all, provide a POST form in the template views/ - after the get form.

<h1>POST form for accessing the hello-adj-post method</h1>
<form action="hello-adj" method="post">
  Adjective: <input type="text" name="adjective" /><br />
  <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

And then in the part1/ex7/ controller add the hello-adj POST method

post '/hello-adj' => sub {
  my $params = params();
  "<h1>Hello ".params->{adjective}." Things!</h1>".

Run it and see that if you visit the website at http://localhost:3000/ enter a name like 'dynamic' in the post form and click submit, it will display the page http://localhost:3000/hello-adj and say 'Hello dynamic Things!'

Exercise 8: Dynamic Content + Template Toolkit

Implement a new GET query so that if the user enters a comma-separated list of adjectives it prints out a line for each one.

$ cp -r part1/ex6 part1/ex8
  • In part1/ex8/, update the /hello-adj route handler filling in the # TODO section with code to generate an array reference
get '/hello_adj' => sub {
  my $params = params();
  ## TODO: Split the params->{adjectives} into a list of comma separated words
  ## and we pass a refence to this list into TT
  template 'hello-multiple-adj' => { adjective_list => \@adj_list };

  • Now we must implement a new template view and this is where the Template Toolkit shows its power!

Write this code in views/

[% FOREACH adj in adjective_list %]
   <p>Hello [% adj %] thing!</p>
[% END %]

Check to see that it runs as expected.

Exercise 9: TT hashrefs and exploring parameters

In Exercise 8 we saw how to use the Template's FOREACH loop to show the contents of an array where each element was a string.

In this example, we show the contents of a hashref. This is a very simple example but it illuminates how hashrefs are represented in TT.

$ cp -r part1/ex8 part1/ex9
$ rm part1/ex9/views/

Write a webpage http://localhost:3000/show-parameters which displays everything it receives as a parameter.

For example:


would display



  • Write a route handler in part1/ex9/
get '/show-parameters' => sub {
  my $rh_params = params;
  template 'parameters' => { parameter_hashref =>  $rh_params };
  • Change views/ to

<form action="show-parameters" method="get">
  First parameter: <input type="text" name="p1" /><br />
  Second parameter: <input type="text" name="p2" /><br />
  Third parameter: <input type="text" name="p3" /><br />
  <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

  • Write with a FOREACH loop which iterates over each key-value pair of the parameter_hashref variable


[% FOREACH p IN parameter_hashref %]


[% END %]


For help processing hashrefs in the template, read 'iterated values which are hash references' in

perldoc Template::Manual::Directives

Exercise 9' BananaSkin2

$ cp part1/ex9/ part1/ex9/

Change the /show-parameters routehandler from

get '/show-parameters' => sub {
  my $rh_params = params;
  template 'parameters' => { parameter_hashref =>  $rh_params };


get '/show-parameters' => sub {
  template 'parameters' => { parameter_hashref =>  params };

and see what happens.

Called in this way 'params' returns a hash, rather than a hashref. To understand why is beyond the scope of this class, but to find out more, read the Dancer::Request implementation of the params subroutine and read

$ perldoc -f wantarray