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This is a library for making it easier to work with CRUD resources in haskell. It does not use yesod subsites because after many months working with it, I found that a PathMultiPiece approach ended up making it easier to use at no cost to its capabilities.

The two most important types are CrudHandler and CrudRoute. They are defined as follows:

data CrudHandler site p c = CrudHandler
  { _chAdd    :: p -> HandlerT site IO Html
  , _chIndex  :: p -> HandlerT site IO Html
  , _chEdit   :: Key c -> HandlerT site IO Html
  , _chDelete :: Key c -> HandlerT site IO Html
  , _chView   :: Key c -> HandlerT site IO Html

data CrudRoute p c
  = AddR p
  | IndexR p
  | EditR (Key c)
  | DeleteR (Key c)
  | ViewR (Key c)

In these data types, the type variables should be read as:

  • site: Your site type, probably App
  • p: The parent resources ID. This will sometimes be a database key (like PersonId). It will sometimes be unit (written as () in haskell)
  • c: The type of the child resource (not its ID type)

As an example, let's say we have two types, Person and Dog. Each Person has many Dogs. Let's assume that we want a site map that looks like this:

  • Person Index
    • Person View
      • Person Edit
      • Person Delete
      • Dog Index (dogs belonging to this person)
        • Dog View
        • Dog Edit
        • Dog Delete

This is what you would need to write to get this. First you will need to add a type synonym that will let you refer to () as Unit (yesod's TH routing doesn't like types with symbols).

type Unit = ()

Now, the routes:

/person/*CrudRoute-Unit-Person PersonR
/dog/*CrudRoute-PersonId-Dog   DogR

So, yesod's dispatch TH is going to require that we define functions named handlePersonR and handleDogR somewhere. Let's define handlePersonR using the crudHandler function (which is defined in Yesod.Crud):

handlePersonR :: CrudRoute () Person -> Handler Html
handlePersonR = handleCrud personCrudHandler

personCrudHandler :: CrudHandler App () Person
personCrudHandler = ...

And you can trivially fill in the five fields for a CrudHandler. If you did this for handleDogR as well, everything would work.

That is the simplistic way to use this library. The only thing we gained in the above scenario was that we only had to write out two routes instead of ten in config/routes. (Technically, if you're using yesod's breadcrumbs features, this also allows you to cut down on boilerplate there as well). That's a pretty small benefit.

The other feature this library offers is in Yesod.Crud.Simple. A lot of the time, when you are writing your add and edit handlers, a really common pattern emerges. This module capitalizes on that pattern. It also has a really bad looking default for an index page and a view page. I'll try to write more about this later, but here are some samples from code I've worked on:

import Yesod.Bootstrap -- from yesod-bootstrap

myParentlessSimpleCrud :: PersistCrudEntity App c
  => (CrudRoute () c -> Route App) -> Text -> SimpleCrud App () c
myParentlessSimpleCrud tp name = basicSimpleCrud tp
  & scEdit .~ (\w -> layout $ do
    h1_ [] $ tw $ "Edit " <> name
  & scAdd .~ (\w -> layout $ do
    h1_ [] $ tw $ "Add " <> name
  & scDelete .~ (\w -> layout $ do
    h1_ [] $ tw $ "Delete " <> name
  & scEditParent  .~ EditParentView
  & scMessageWrap .~ alertHtml Info
  & scDeleteForm  .~ [whamlet|<button.btn.btn-danger>Delete|]

handleCustomerR :: CrudRoute () Customer -> Handler Html
handleCustomerR = handleCrud $ toCrudHandler 
  $ myParentlessSimpleCrud CustomerR name
    & scForm  .~ form
    & scIndex .~ const index -- index defined elsewhere
    & scView  .~ viewer      -- viewer defined elsewhere
  form e = let m = rightToMaybe e in renderForm $ Customer
    <$> areq textField (bft "Name") (customerName <$> m)
    <*> areq (selectField allAddressOpts) (bft "Shipping Address") (customerShipping <$> m)
    <*> areq (selectField allAddressOpts) (bft "Billing Address") (customerBilling <$> m)
    <*> atextArea 5 (bft "Notes") (customerNotes <$> m)
    <*> areq (selectField groupOpts) (bft "Customer Group") (customerCustogroup <$> m)
    <*  primarySubmit "Submit"
  groupOpts = optionsPersistKey [] [Asc CustogroupName] custogroupName

This is just a sample that is pulled out of the context of a larger project with models and field helpers, so it won't compile, but maybe it will provide an idea of how to use Yesod.Crud.Simple.


Easy CRUD subsites for yesod with persistent







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