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Terraform Module for Self-Extractable Archive

This module creates a self-extractable archive from a directory using makeself. The archive can be used to bootstrap a new instance using cloud-init.

Module uses external provider to run makeself command. It creates temporary directory, copies source directory to it, runs makeself and returns path to the archive.

Module targets to build hermetic self-extractable archives. It uses --nomd5 --nocrc options to disable checksums.


Quick start:

module "bootstrap" {
  source      = "andreygubarev/self-extractable-archive/external"
  source_dir = "${path.module}/bootstrap"

Advanced usage:

module "userdata" {
  source  = "andreygubarev/self-extractable-archive/external"
  version = "1.4.1"

  description        = "User Data"                 # Description of the archive
  filename           = ""              # Name of self-extractable archive
  source_dir         = "${path.module}/userdata"   # Directory to be archived
  source_entrypoint  = ""             # Entrypoint script, relative to source_dir, defaults to ""
  source_environment = {
    FOO = "BAR"                                    # Environment variables to be exported, defaults to {}

data "cloudinit_config" "this" {
  gzip          = true
  base64_encode = true

  part {
    filename     = basename(module.userdata.path)
    content_type = "text/x-shellscript"
    content      = file(module.userdata.path)

output "userdata" {
  value = data.cloudinit_config.this.rendered


set -euxo pipefail
source .env

# ...


For MacOS:

brew install gnu-tar
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/gnu-tar/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
