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Don't stop tests on one julia versions if second one fails #339

Don't stop tests on one julia versions if second one fails

Don't stop tests on one julia versions if second one fails #339

Re-run triggered May 24, 2023 19:23
Status Failure
Total duration 3h 0m 5s
Artifacts 1


on: push
1m 37s
Matrix: test-julia
Matrix: test-arc
Matrix: test-julia-list
Matrix: test-julia-recognition-list
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10 errors
The process '/usr/bin/sudo' failed with exit code 100
Process completed with exit code 1.
Test julia 1.9
Process completed with exit code 1.
Test julia 1.8
Process completed with exit code 1.
Test julia recognition list 1.9
The runner has received a shutdown signal. This can happen when the runner service is stopped, or a manually started runner is canceled.
Test julia recognition list 1.9
The operation was canceled.
Test julia list 1.9
The runner has received a shutdown signal. This can happen when the runner service is stopped, or a manually started runner is canceled.
Test julia list 1.9
The operation was canceled.
Test arc 1.9
The runner has received a shutdown signal. This can happen when the runner service is stopped, or a manually started runner is canceled.
Test arc 1.9
The operation was canceled.


Produced during runtime
Name Size
binaries_patch Expired
7.44 KB