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id vs key

The value of key is an encrypted value that will be different on each response. For this reason, id is provided, which is a static unchanging 16 character string. Fetching a game by id will always be slower than key. This is because, on the backend, a query must first be run to retrieve the key given the id, then the normal key-based lookup is performed.


Create a new game

Authorization: {Cognito Session Token i.e. "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=..."}
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
POST /games
{ "opponent": "andrhamm", "liveScoring": true }

Where opponent is a valid username for an existing user.

Where liveScoring defaults to false. When enabled, the scoring property will be returned on every response. Additionally, cards.deckCount will similarly be returned (otherwise is only returned when there are fewer than 8 cards remaining).

Fetch a game by ID or key

Authorization: {Cognito Session Token i.e. "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=..."}
Accept: application/json
GET /games/{idOrKey}

Note: See note about id vs key in the Notes section.

Fetch recent games

Authorization: {Cognito Session Token i.e. "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=..."}
Accept: application/json
GET /games

The response contains truncated game objects.

Submit a turn

Authorization: {Cognito Session Token i.e. "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=..."}
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
POST /games/{key}/turn
{"action":"P0:3", "draw": "4:1", "turn":0}

Client should first fetch the game to refresh the state. Turns can be submitted when isMyTurn is true and until completedAt is non-null.

Where action is the value from the actionPlay or actionDiscard properties from a card in the player's hand. If actionPlay property is missing or null, it means card cannot be played this turn.

Where draw (optional) is the value from the draw property from the top card of a discard pile. Omitting draw results in drawing from the deck. The draw property is missing or null from all but the first card in the discarded arrays, this means the card can not be drawn this turn.

Where turn is the value from the recently fetched version of the game.

Get a JWT

Retrieve a JWT that can be used to authenticate a websocket connection. These tokens expire within 30 seconds and are not intended to be used for anything else at this time.

Authorization: {Cognito Session Token i.e. "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=..."}
GET /token

The response will be HTTP Status: 204 No Content (no body) and the token will be in the X-HC-Token header.



const socketEndpoint = 'wss://{JWT}';

const socket = new WebSocket(socketEndpoint);

// Connection opened
socket.addEventListener('open', function (event) {
  console.log('sending hello to server');
    "action": "sendChat",
    "data": {
      "game": `${GAME_KEY}`,
      "text": "Hello World",

// Listen for messages
socket.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
  console.log('message from server ',;

ACTION: send a chat message for a game (WIP)

Note: max length of msg is 140 chars, like an OG tweet. Number of messages and/or chars per game, and/or per 1 minute period, will likely be limited at some point.

  "action": "sendGameChat",
  "guid": "{client-generated unique guid for this action}",
  "data": {
    "game.key": `${GAME_KEY}`,
    "msg": "Hello World",

EVENT: there is a new chat message for a game (WIP)

Note: you will receive these events for your opponents messages but also for own messages to serve as an acknowledgement.

  "event": "newGameChat",
  "data": {
    "": "59gh2bkngpf3qez8",
    "msg": "Hello World",
    "": "{client-generated unique id for this message}",
    "player": 0,
  "ts": 1562807525476,

ERROR: too much chatting (WIP)

Note: you will receive these events only for own messages when they are invalid (too long, etc).

  "error": "invalidGameChat",
  "data": {
    "": "59gh2bkngpf3qez8",
    "": "{client-generated unique id for this message}",
  "ts": 1562807525476,

ERROR: too much chatting (WIP)

Note: you will receive these events only for own messages. Failure to heed the rate limits could result in the websocket being closed by the server and a temporary ban. The ttl represents the time at which new chats will be allowed.

  "error": "stfu",
  "data": {
    "": "59gh2bkngpf3qez8",
    "ttl": 1562807555476,
  "ts": 1562807525476,

EVENT: an opponent has finished their turn for a game (WIP)

Note: you will receive these events only when your opponent finishes their turns. The should be used to find the game key, which should then be used to do a fetch for the updated game state. Clients should take care to only act on messages that are relevant based on the timestamp (ts) or other fields. For example, don't display a turn notification if a message is received for a turn that has already been surpassed.

  "event": "newGameTurn",
  "data": {
    "isInvite": false,
    "": "59gh2bkngpf3qez8",
  "ts": 1562807525476,


  • signing of response secrets (meh)
  • websockets / email / browser / push notifications


  • "game server" concept
    • secret url that lists other users and the leaderboard for all games originating from the server
    • brackets / tournaments
  • optionally enable realtime score visibility (off by default)
  • AI opponent


Two player turn-based civilization game built on Serverless technologies







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