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ETH RPC node on Sepolia network

HTTP request will be available on: http://<YOUR_IP>:8545

WS request will be available on: ws://<YOUR_IP>:8546

Monitoring will be available without credentials on: http://<YOUR_IP>:3000

Grafana has 3 dashboard: geth dashboard and sepolia dashboard (last simple all-in)

RECOMMENDATION: configure please your firewall rules (block all income to port 8545,8546,8086,3000 and use whitelist to access to your rpc, more about that can be found:

Following parameters:

  • 4-CPU
  • 8-GBRAM
  • 1-Tb nvmeSSD

First Step

  • Update packages

    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
  • Install dependencies

    sudo apt install curl build-essential git wget jq make gcc tmux -y
  • Install docker and docker compose

    curl -fsSL -o
    sudo sh ./
    docker version && docker compose version
  • Run Docker as a non-root user

    sudo usermod -aG docker <your_user>

Relogin to your server to take effect from usermod !!!

Second Step

  • Clone this repo to your server, navigate to goerli-rpc folder and spin up all docker containers
    git clone
    cd sepolia-rpc
    docker compose up -d

Third step

  • Add alias for docker logs
    echo "#Sepolia Alias" >> $HOME/.profile
    echo 'alias geth_log="docker logs sepolia-rpc-geth-1 -f"' >> $HOME/.profile
    echo 'alias prysm_log="docker logs sepolia-rpc-prysm-1 -f"' >> $HOME/.profile
    echo 'alias influxdb_log="docker logs sepolia-rpc-influxdb-1 -f"' >> $HOME/.profile
    echo 'alias prometheus_log="docker logs sepolia-rpc-prometheus-1 -f"' >> $HOME/.profile
    echo 'alias grafana_log="docker logs sepolia-rpc-grafana-1 -f"' >> $HOME/.profile
    echo 'alias sepolia_log="cd $HOME/sepolia-rpc/ && docker compose logs -f"' >> $HOME/.profile
    source $HOME/.profile
    now you can simply find logs: geth_log, lighthouse_log, influxdb_log, prometheus_log, grafana_log, and all-in sepolia_log

Also you can find your geth and lighthouse logs in Goerli Dashboard

If Geth Dashboard doesn't work

Go to: CONFIGURATION > Data Sources > InfluxDB > Scroll to InfluxDB Details and find Database (it wiil be clear) write: geth > Save & test geth

If you want to enable password entry, just delete previous grafana folder and modify grafana.ini

cd ~/sepolia-rpc/data/ && sudo rm -rf grafana
cat /dev/null > ~/sepolia-rpc/grafana/grafana.ini && nano ~/sepolia-rpc/grafana/grafana.ini

and paste this

enabled = false
org_role = Admin

# specify role for unauthenticated users
# org_role = Viewer

enabled = true

# disable creation of admin user on first start of grafana
disable_initial_admin_creation = false

# default admin user, created on startup
admin_user = admin

# default admin password, can be changed before first start of grafana,  or in profile settings
admin_password = admin

# used for signing
secret_key = SW2YcwTIb9zpOOhoPsMm

# current key provider used for envelope encryption, default to static value specified by secret_key
encryption_provider = secretKey.v1

You are free to make any changes in docker-compose.yml if you know what you do 😉


Sepolia Node






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