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pwrApp ci/cd

📘 Description

Dash app used as web UI for read/analyze electric power consumption stats collected thanks to ⚡ mcce ⚡

⭐ Features

  • Simple to use with a pretty css style
  • Ready for production using nginx + gunicorn
  • Refresh data at page reload, querying them from local sqlite3 database

🚀 Getting started

Steps to run repo/project:

  1. Clone the repo

    git clone /opt/MCCE/pwrApp
  2. Create a python environment with packages needed

    python -m venv --system-site-packages .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
    python -m pip install --upgrade requirements/requirements.txt
  3. Copy systemd service template file inside /etc/systemd/system/

  4. Change file permissions, that must be -rw-r----- root root

  5. Configure it, edit them as you need/want

  6. Fire up nginx, install it with your package manager, setup as you like nginx.conf

  7. Check and edit my base pwrapp.conf.j2 as you need, then

    sudo cp -v nginx/pwrapp.conf.j2 /etc/nginx/sites-available/pwrapp.conf
    sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/pwrapp.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enable/pwrapp.conf

    Check for nginx.conf mistakes using nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf -t

  8. Reload systemd file

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  9. Enable and start nginx

    sudo systemctl enable --now nginx.service
  10. Enable and start pwrApp.service that will trigger gunicorn

    sudo systemctl enable --now pwrApp.service
  11. Check with some systemctl status or using journalctl if everything went well

  12. Enjoy your web UI interface 😄 pointing your browser to http://yourdevicelocalnetipaddress