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Installation on HaOS

andyboeh edited this page Nov 14, 2021 · 5 revisions

The installation on HaOS is relatively simple, but involves the installation of a few additional add-ons. For this guide, it is assumed that:

  • There is no other MQTT broker
  • You have basic knowledge about editing configuration files
  • Your Alpha 2 is configured with the hostname EZR01A3AF.lan. This can be replaced by an IP address if necessary.
  • HaOS is set up and running
  • SSH will be used for the transfer of ezr2mqtt. You can also use SAMBA, but this is not covered by this guide. You need an SFTP client on the local machine to upload the required files. FileZilla is used during this guide.
  • All passwords shown here are insecure and should not be used.
  • Enabling Advanced Mode might be necessary (You can do this on your Profile page)

Installation of necessary add-ons

Head over to the add-on store (Supervisor -> Add-on Store) and install the following add-ons:

  • Mosquitto broker
  • File editor
  • Terminal & SSH

Configuration of MQTT broker

The first add-on that needs to be configured is the MQTT broker. By default, it is not started and does not contain credentials for ezr2mqtt to connect. So head over to the add-on configuration page of of the Mosquitto broker and add credentials for ezr2mqtt. Add username and password for ezr2mqtt:

  - username: ezr2mqtt
    password: ezr2mqtt
  active: false
  folder: mosquitto
certfile: fullchain.pem
keyfile: privkey.pem
require_certificate: false

Click Save and restart the broker.

Then, the Mosquitto integration needs to be added to Home Assistant. Head over to Configuration -> Integrations and add the newly discovered MQTT integration.

Installation of ezr2mqtt

Now, the installation of ezr2mqtt is a bit more complex. Make sure that the Terminal & SSH add-on and the File editor add-on are started (Supervisor).

Preparation of SSH add-on

For the transfer of ezr2mqtt, The SSH add-on needs a password set. The configuration for the SSH add-on looks like this:

authorized_keys: []
apks: []
password: homeassistant
  tcp_forwarding: false

Make sure to also configure the SSH port on the host - I used 22. Then, restart the add-on.

Upload of ezr2mqtt

On your main machine, use an SFTP client to transfer ezr2mqtt to your add-ons folder. I prefer FileZilla and set it up like this:

Hostname: homeassistant.local
Port: 22
Username: root
Password: homeassistant

Then, connect to Home Assistant and navigate in the left pane to the downloaded ezr2mqtt files and on the right pane to /addons. On the right, create a new folder called ezr2mqtt and then upload the following files/folders to HaOS:

  • pyezr
  • Dockerfile
  • config.json

Now, navigate on the right hand side to /config and upload:

  • ezr2mqtt.yaml

Configuration of ezr2mqtt

For the configuration of ezr2mqtt, we use the File editor add-on. Head over to Supervisor -> File editor -> Open web ui to start the file editor. Look for the file ezr2mqtt.yaml and open it. Here, the add-on needs to be configured:

  - host: EZR01A3AF.lan
    name: EG
    prefix: eg

  host: core-mosquitto
  port: 1883
  debug: false
  username: ezr2mqtt
  password: ezr2mqtt
  discovery_prefix: homeassistant
  topic: alpha2
  interval: 60

Adapt the host in the second line to your needs as well as the name and the prefix. If you are satisfied, save the file and start the add-on.

Starting ezr2mqtt

Usually, ezr2mqtt is not visible in the add-on menu. Reload the menu by going to Supervisor -> Add-on store and clicking the three-dot menu button in the top right corner. There, select Reload to refresh the available add-ons. A new repository Local add-ons should now pop up and ezr2mqtt should be visible. Install it from there and start it.


If everything was correct, the add-on starts. A new device with entities should be available in Home Assistant. Go to Configuration -> Integrations and check the MQTT integration.


If it doesn't work right away, check the log file of the add-on. You can set debug to true in ezr2mqtt.yaml to get more output.