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enveloper is a small, simple utility to encrypt secrets.


npm install enveloper


Encrypt a value using a secret key:

> enveloper encrypt "this is a secret" --key "this is the secret key"

Set a secret into an envelope.json in your project:

> enveloper set my.secret "this is a secret" --key "this is the secret key"
> cat envelope.json
    "my": {
        "secret": "aes-256-gcm::sha256::base64::DYMNOOor7pRJduKneKn9dw==::MDZZYhhep3HSN9lkIXh+HQ==::l9KDBsxf6apQK501wADJgQ=="

Encrypt another secret for your dev environment:

> enveloper set "this is a secret for the dev environment" --key "this is the secret key for dev"
> cat envelope.json
    "my": {
        "secret": "aes-256-gcm::sha256::base64::DYMNOOor7pRJduKneKn9dw==::MDZZYhhep3HSN9lkIXh+HQ==::l9KDBsxf6apQK501wADJgQ=="

    "dev": {
        "my": {
            "secret": "aes-256-gcm::sha256::base64::dIXProAFONjMle5n/CaIbw==::Kv+0ad4pbGVcJyII0FgZstT/k1nQqI9n+/rhgahr7ht/LSKWIuhcrw==::Vu0QVhlZFlSa3MKTW0ZeXA=="

Read a secret from your envelope.json via the command line:

> enveloper get my.secret --key "this is the secret key"
this is a secret

Get the secrets back out via the API (assuming NODE_ENV is 'dev' and we put our secrets into environment variables):

const enveloper = require( 'enveloper' );

const secrets = await enveloper.get( {
    secrets: [
    key: process.env.ENVIRONMENT_SECRET_KEY
} );

// secrets:
// {
//     "my": {
//         "secret": "this is a secret for the dev environment",
//         "deeper": {
//             "secret": "foo"
//         }
//     }
// }


get( { secrets: <mixed array of strings, path arrays, objects>[, key: ] } )

gets the given set of secrets


const enveloper = require( 'enveloper' );

const secrets = await enveloper.get( {
    secrets: [
        '', // nested secret with dot notation
        [ 'foo', 'bar', 'yak' ], // nested secret in array notation
        { path: 'foo.another', key: 'separate key for foo.another' }, // object secret with associated key
        { path: 'foo.yet.another' } // object secret, equivalent to a string/array secret
    key: 'this is the key for most of the secrets'
} );

// secrets:
// {
//     "test": "this is the test secret",
//     "foo": {
//         "bar": {
//             "baz": "hi!",
//             "yak": "I'll eat anything!"
//         },
//         "another": "another secret in foo!",
//         "yet": {
//             "another": "yet another secret, deeper in foo!"
//         }
//     }
// }


By default, .get() will search up the directory tree for an envelope.json

The envelope.json file should contain string-based enveloper secrets, which can optionally be put into environments, eg:

    "dev": {
        "test": "aes-256-gcm::sha256::base64::ugsXgVN/3Gag0xI5wVvHjA==::tMsv2lCHhbFhD4NVUJ25Sm+muloURpdJfbM8a47LTQdP::nTY7C5a0u/4BmJwh3XXv0Q=="

    "qa": {
        "test": "aes-256-gcm::sha256::base64::C86/3u+gQ4cyDAsK0qsG3g==::jb3Q5qNde6k1ATeP1+q7ly7/fspu/HHRODoLEryPn+k=::tQ86omDo71EyWRoD00UNmg=="

    "prod": {
        "test": "aes-256-gcm::sha256::base64::1pCv3GoJQ2ZxiHYSKL77/Q==::KnnAxnjFFVJJf4sYij57Ak+S2SB2MC7FUJ64OjhL0wwgaw==::UOTl35IeueVRVpsBiZrUkQ=="

    "shared_across_environments": "aes-256-gcm::sha256::base64::VYZleBk6O808v5ucdDh2Dg==::QhhHWfdYJNKU79a8LSASvqhsq305Cs8YiAQ=::FLTn1KA51UARf+Pj4CoYuQ=="

You can override the filename or the starting directory, eg:

const secrets = await enveloper.get( {
    secrets: [
    key: 'this is the key for the test secret',
    filename: 'my_envelope.json',
    directory: '/some/starting/directory'
} );

seal( secret[, options ] )

'seals' (encrypts) the given secret.


option default description
key auto generated the key to use for encryption
algorithm aes-256-gcm encryption algorithm to use, which must support an initialization vector and an auth tag
key_hash_algorithm sha256 hashing algorithm for the key
input_encoding utf8 input encoding of the secret
output_encoding base64 output encoding for the encrypted value
iv auto generated initialization vector for the encryption algorithm


const enveloper = require( 'enveloper' );

const result = enveloper.seal( 'foo' );

// result:
// {
//     encrypted: 'k6Dp',
//     tag: '4ibYKY3u0CzgSeXkRmipuQ==',
//     key: 'twWq+Ah/UwCbOwYwx/tHL6Q5VurE2vGmzXkjczB+62bOGtUoppTfMF8Ukm0uRL0Tk8vo+UhW32H46qVKCxg2bQ==',
//     algorithm: 'aes-256-gcm',
//     key_hash_algorithm: 'sha256',
//     input_encoding: 'utf8',
//     output_encoding: 'base64',
//     iv: 'Zuv+EphpT8Kkjh9acWAMbQ=='
// }

open( options )

'opens' (decrypts) the given secret using the specified options


option required description
encrypted yes the encrypted value to decrypt
key yes the key to use for decryption
iv yes initialization vector
tag yes the auth tag
algorithm no encryption algorithm to use, assumes default
key_hash_algorithm no hashing algorithm for the key, assumes default
input_encoding no input encoding of the secret, assumes default
output_encoding no output encoding for the encrypted value, assumes default


const enveloper = require( 'enveloper' );

const result = {
    encrypted: 'k6Dp',
    key: 'twWq+Ah/UwCbOwYwx/tHL6Q5VurE2vGmzXkjczB+62bOGtUoppTfMF8Ukm0uRL0Tk8vo+UhW32H46qVKCxg2bQ==',
    iv: 'Zuv+EphpT8Kkjh9acWAMbQ==',
    tag: '4ibYKY3u0CzgSeXkRmipuQ=='
} );

// result:
// {
//     decrypted: 'foo',
//     algorithm: 'aes-256-gcm',
//     key_hash_algorithm: 'sha256',
//     input_encoding: 'utf8',
//     output_encoding: 'base64',
//     encrypted: 'k6Dp',
//     key: 'twWq+Ah/UwCbOwYwx/tHL6Q5VurE2vGmzXkjczB+62bOGtUoppTfMF8Ukm0uRL0Tk8vo+UhW32H46qVKCxg2bQ==',
//     iv: 'Zuv+EphpT8Kkjh9acWAMbQ==',
//     tag: '4ibYKY3u0CzgSeXkRmipuQ=='
// }

to_string( options )

converts a .seal() result to a string


const enveloper = require( 'enveloper' );

const sealed = enveloper.seal( 'foo' );

const str = enveloper.to_string( sealed );

// str:
// aes-256-gcm::sha256::base64::Zuv+EphpT8Kkjh9acWAMbQ==::k6Dp::4ibYKY3u0CzgSeXkRmipuQ==

from_string( options )

parses a string into a set of enveloper options


const enveloper = require( 'enveloper' );

const sealed = enveloper.seal( 'foo' );

const str = enveloper.to_string( sealed );

const sealed_from_string = enveloper.from_string( str );

// sealed_from_string:
// {
//     algorithm: 'aes-256-gcm',
//     key_hash_algorithm: 'sha256',
//     output_encoding: 'base64',
//     iv: 'Zuv+EphpT8Kkjh9acWAMbQ==',
//     encrypted: 'k6Dp',
//     tag: '4ibYKY3u0CzgSeXkRmipuQ=='
// }


Pull requests are very welcome! Just make sure your code:

  1. Passes eslint given the included .eslintrc.json

  2. Follows the same style as existing code

  3. Has associated tests


enveloper is a small, simple utility to encrypt secrets






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