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Setting Up Pi Sharp

Andy Bradford edited this page Mar 12, 2015 · 2 revisions

Installing Mono

To use Pi# under Linux or OSX you will first need to install the open source .NET implementation, Mono. To get Mono for your operating system please visit

On Debian "Squeeze" for the Raspbery Pi, you may install Mono by typing the following command into the terminal:

sudo apt-get install mono-devel

Note that at time of writing, there appears to be issues when using the "mono-complete" package.

Starting the Simulator

Under Windows this is as simple as double clicking PiSharp.GpioSimulator.exe.

Under Linux or OSX, start the terminal and navigate to the folder containing the simulator and type the following command:

mono PiSharp.GpioSimulator.exe

Using the Simulator

Once started the simulator will display 8 icons representing the 8 GPIO pins, red wires indicate the pin they represent on the Raspberry Pi header (when holding the Pi with the header in the top left corner). Note that the wiring does not represent a full schematic, but rather is intended to function as an aide-mémoire.

At first, the pins will display question marks as they have not yet been configured.

When a pin is configured as an output a grey LED icon will replace the question mark to indicate that this is an output currently set to "0". When the output is set to "1" the LED will turn green.

If a pin is set to an input a light switch will appear, double clicking the switch will turn it on (a green light will appear to show this). Double clicking the switch again will turn it back off. Using the Library

See Using LibGpio for more information.

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