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Atom prototype programming language project proposal. The final implementation will be transpiled/compiled to C using TCC by Fabrice Bellard, as for the moment it uses virtual machine which is also implemented in python3.11 and it uses mark/sweep and compact GC on a linear(single) memory model.


#! factorial

function fact(_n:int) -> int {
    #! uses recursion
    return (_n <= 1)? 1 : _n * fact(_n - 1);

function non_recursive_fact(_n:int) -> int {
    #! non recursive factorial
    let _res = 1;
    for (; _n >=1; _n -= 1) {
        _res *= _n;

    return _res;


#! import statement

import [std];
from integerstd import [itoa];

function main(_args:array[str]) -> int {
    std.print("Hello World!");
    let string_num = itoa(69420) + " -> string";
    return 0;
#! enum declairation

enum STATE {
    OK  = 0x01,
    BAD = 0x02

function main(_args:array[str]) -> int {
    std.printf("STATE::OK  = {}\n", [STATE.OK ]);
    std.printf("STATE::BAD = {}\n", [STATE.BAD]);
    return 0;
#! struct declairation

struct Person, Employee {

function main(_args:array[str]) -> int {
    std.print(Person("andy404", 23));
    return 0;
#! implements declairation

struct Person, Employee {

implements Person {

    function getName(&self) -> str {

function main(_args:array[str]) -> int {
    std.print(Person("andy404", 23).getName());
    return 0;
#! function declairation

function _func_name(_param0:int, _param1:int) -> void {
    #! statements here!
#! function wrapper declairation

define function _param0:int plus(_param1:int) -> int _param0 + _param1 ;
#! to call: 2!plus(5);
#! same as: plus(2, 5);
#! variable declairation

#! global variable
var _x = 2;

#! global constant
const _y = 3;

function main(_args:array[str]) -> int {
    #! local variable
    let _x = 2;

    #! local constant
    const _y = 3;

    return 0;
#! if statement

if (0xc0ffee == 12648430)
    std.print("value of hex 0xc0ffee is 12648430");
#! else if (true) print("reachable as always!");
#! switch statement

switch("Hello"[1]) {

    case "a", "b", "c": std.print("Found at case 1");
    case "e": std.print("Found at case 2");
        std.print("Ooops, not found!");

#! for loop/statement

let _i;
for (_i = 0; _i < 5; _i += 1) {

    std.printf("{}, ", [_i]);

    #! other statements!
#! while loop/statement

let _i;
while (_i < 5) {

    std.printf("{}, ", [_i]);

    _i += 1;
#! do_while loop/statement

let _i;
do {

    std.printf("{}, ", [_i]); _i += 1;

} while(_i < 5)
#! continue statement

let _i;
do {

    if (_i == 3)
        _i += 1;

    std.printf("{}, ", [_i]); 
    _i += 1;

} while(_i < 5)
#! break statement

let _i;
do {

    if (_i == 3) break;

    std.printf("{}, ", [_i]);
    _i += 1;

} while(_i < 5)
#! operation

function main(_args:array[str]) -> int
    #! int
    2 + 2 * (5 + 1 * 2);

    #! float
    4 / 2;

    #! int
    4 % 2;

    #! float
    4 % 2.0;

    #! compile time zero division
    100 / 0;

    #! runtime zero division
    let _divisor = 0;
    100 / _divisor;

    #! str
    "Hello" + " " + "World!";

    #! str subscript
    #! produces runtyime error: index error if index out of range

    #! bool
    !false == !("fooc" == "yeah!");

    #! null

    #! int array append -> arary
    [1, 2] + 3;

    #! str array append -> arary
    ["a", "b"] + "c";

    #! array extend -> arary
    [1,2,3] + [4,5,6];

    #! array push: <array[T]>[1,2,3].push(4) -> where T is the element type
    #! returns null

    #! array pop: <array[T]>[1,2,3].pop() -> where T is the element type
    #! removes top element and return|throws index error if array is empty
    #! returns top element where type is T

    #! array peek: <array[T]>[1,2,3].peek() -> where T is the element type
    #! look-up top element and return|throws index error if array is empty
    #! returns top element where type is T

    #! array size: [1,2,3].size()
    #! returns number of items inside array

    #! array subscript
    let _arr = [1,2,3]; #! <array[T]> where T is int
        _arr[1] += 2;
    #! array unpack
    let _unpack = [*[1,2,3], 4,5,6]; #! -> let _unpack = [1,2,3,4,5,6];

    #! map merge -> map
    #! produces map
    {"pork": "hub"} + {"hub": "pork"};
    let _map = {"pork": "hub", "hub": "pork"};

    #! map keys -> <array[K]> where K is key type
    std.printf("keys: {}", [_map.keys()]); #! -> keys: ["pork", "hub"]

    #! map values -> <array[V]> where V is value type
    std.printf("values: {}", [_map.values()]); #! -> values: ["hub", "pork"]

    #! map subcsript -> <map[K:V]>{"pork": "hub", "hub": "pork"} where K and V is the key and value type
    #! if key does not exist produces runtime error: key not found
    std.printf("value of key \"{}\" is {}", ["pork", _map["pork"]]);

    #! if key does not exist, it creates  key
    _map["hub"] = "por*";

    #! map unpack
    let _emptymap = {**_map}; #! let _emptymap = {"pork": "hub", "hub": "por*"};

    #! ternary operator
    ("World"[1] == "o")? "index 1 is \"o\"": "Nah!";

    #! typeof unary
    typeof ["1", "2", "3"] #! -> "array_of_str"

    #! assert 
    assert false -> "Nah! condition unsatisfiable!!!";

    return 0;