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This repository contains the implementation of the prototype mnemonic medium design depicted in this August 2022 talk and in this Figma document. It's for user research purposes only; it's not a production implementation.


Installing the non-free components of this repo

This repository leaves out two important pieces which I do not have the rights to redistribute: the actual content of the books used in the prototype, and the Dr font used in Orbit.

I have separated the test books' content into private submodules available to me and my collaborators. If you have access, you should git clone --recurse-submodules or git submodule init && git submodule update to put a local copies in the right place.

For your private testing and development purposes, you can acquire an evaluation copy of the Dr font and place it in src/static/fonts at the paths specified by src/static/styles/fonts.css.

Preparing your local copy

This repo expects you to have the main Orbit repo checked out as a sibling folder, and fully built. You'll need to be on the orbit-summer-2022-demo branch of that repo. e.g.:

# From the root of this repo...
cd ..
git clone
cd orbit
git switch orbit-summer-2022-demo
yarn install
yarn build
# web-component requires a separate build step; this is an oversight.
cd packages/web-component
yarn build

Once you've got that done, the rest of this repo's dependencies can be installed with:

yarn install



Prototype implementation of Aug 2022 mnemonic medium design






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