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immki edited this page Nov 26, 2021 · 10 revisions

Install from

  1. Head over to and get the latest Ruby. 32 or 64 bit doesn't matter.
  2. Install Ruby, making sure to indicate you add Ruby to your PATH. For Ruby 2.4+ you will be asked if you want MSYS2 - keep that box checked. A command prompt will come up with three options about MSYS2 - choose (3), MSYS2 and MINGW devleopment toolchain. This will start up another installer to install MSYS2. Once this is all done, you have Ruby!
  3. Open up a Command Prompt (Start Menu, type cmd)
  4. Run gem install squib
  5. cd to the directory of your choosing
  6. squib new hello-world
  7. cd hello-world
  8. ruby deck.rb

Known Issues & Solutions


The new version from for the Ruby 2.4 series has a new set of C compilers built in (instead of DevKit). You should install these.

Nokogiri issues??

Nokogiri is the most hated gem in the Ruby community, and unfortunately Squib needs to depend on it. From time-to-time we have compatibility problems with Windows and Nokogiri. If you have problems, please reach out to us on StackOverflow (tags squib and ruby). Post your solutions here too.

As of now (June 21, 2017), all is quiet on the Nokogiri front. Hopefully...


For Ruby 2.3 and below you might have the option to use DevKit. You do not need to install DevKit to install Squib. If you want to hack on Squib, however, you will need DevKit to install its development dependencies.

Windows Linux Subsystem?

I followed these instructions to get set up: I went with rbenv after giving up on rvm and its insanity.

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