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Wanderer 2010 (Browser Version)

Original Creator

Wanderer2010 is a python re-write of a game originally created by Steven Shipway in 1988. He wrote the original in C on a sun/3-160 at Warwick University.

A github repository of his original (which can be compiled under Linux) is here.

This Project

I remember my Dad explaining this game to me when I was 10 years old. As a personal project he was attempted to re-write the game in Python.

Wanting to be like my Dad, I had him teach me a bit of Python that summer and tried to make my own text based games.

I'm now in college as a computer science major. As a fun summer project, we thought we'd take some of the new tools I've learned towards web development and re-visit this project!

How to Play

The goal of the game is to get all the money bags and get to the exit. Each level however is laced with traps that will prohibit you from gathering all the money you need. You have to think ahead and look for unwanted affects of every action.

The Blocks


You must collect each of these in order to go through the exit and complete the level. Be careful that you don't block yourself from reaching one or it's game over!


Successfully beat a level by reaching this after collecting all the money bags.


Walls don't allow objects to pass through them. They come in stone or brick. The latter of which can be blown up by bombs.


Ramps are walls that when hit by a falling rock, shooting arrow or balloon, can allow the object to slide off of them into another row or column.


Dirt can be collected by the player when passed over and increments your score.


Poison is an instant game over!


Rocks fall with gravity when something moves by them.


Arrows shoot in one direction when something moves by them.


Teleporters will "teleport" something to their other end!


Monsters move towards the player with every move and will kill the player if they reach you. They can be killed in every way the player can be killed.

Baby Monster

Baby monsters run against a wall, and need to be put into Cages, which turn them into nessisary money bags for completing the level. Because they're nessisary for completing the level, they cannot be killed like regular monsters.


Ballons rise when something moves by them.


Rugs can stop baby monsters from moving.