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Releases: andywer/npm-launch

Version 0.3.0

08 Sep 13:46
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Show last line of output

Seems like a minor change, but it feels so much better!

npm-launch will now show the most recent line of output of any command you run. So you always know what it's currently doing, but still have clean and concise output. Shows output from stdout and stderr.

Have a look at the ava command when running npm-launch's own unit tests. It shows the current number of passed tests:


Or how a webpack dev server looks like in npm-launch:


Zero configuration!

And of course it will still show the complete output in case of an error, so you will have everything you need to debug.

Minor fixes

The new version also includes some minor fixes:

  • Prevent unhelpful stack trace (#6)
  • Set process title to npm-launch (defaulted to node until now)
  • Add engines prop to package.json

Version 0.2.0

23 Aug 19:18
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Concurrency support

You can now run tasks in parallel using

  test: "run-p unit lint",

  lint: "standard lib/",
  unit: "ava test/"

Use run-p or run-parallel (they are synonyms).



Some rather small under-the-hood improvements and slightly nicer error outputs.

Version 0.1.4

21 Aug 18:47
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New features:

  • CLI option --list to list all available tasks