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File metadata and controls

429 lines (365 loc) · 14.9 KB



    // http HTTP组件, 格式:jar和aar
    compile ''



  • NextClient 网络组件的核心类,封装全局的配置参数
  • NextParams HTTP参数封装和处理
  • NextRequest HTTP 请求封装
  • NextResponse HTTP 响应数据结构



    String url = "";
    // http head
    // http delete
    // http get
    String result1 = NextClient.getDefault().get(url).string();
    // http post
    Map<String, String> forms = new HashMap<String, String>();
    forms.put("key1", "value1");
    forms.put("key2", "value2");
    String result2 = NextClient.getDefault().post(url, forms).string();
    // http put
    String result3 = NextClient.getDefault().put(url, forms).string();


// 用法一 
    String userJsonData=NextClient.getDefault().get("").string();
    JSONObject json=new JSONObject(userJsonData);
    String userId=json.getString("id");
    String createdAt=json.getString("created");
// 用法二
    Map<String, String> queries = new HashMap<String, String>();
    queries.put("urlquery1", "qvalue2");
    queries.put("device_id", "#RGDGrdgegd");
    Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
    headers.put("User-Agent", "NextClient 1.x/Android");
    headers.put("X-PLATFORM", "Android");
    String userJsonData = NextClient.getDefault().
            get("", queries, headers).string();
    JSONObject json = new JSONObject(userJsonData);
    String userId = json.getString("id");
    String createdAt = json.getString("created");

// 返回JSON数据
     * {
     loc_id: "108288",
     name: "阿北",
     created: "2006-01-09 21:12:47",
     is_banned: false,
     is_suicide: false,
     loc_name: "北京",
     avatar: "",
     signature: "less is more",
     uid: "ahbei",
     alt: "",
     desc: "Less is more",
     type: "user",
     id: "1000001",
     large_avatar: ""


    String imageUrl="";
    File imageFile=new File("filename.jpg");


// 用法一
    Map<String, String> forms = new HashMap<String, String>();
    forms.put("key1", "value1");
    forms.put("key2", "value2");
    NextResponse response = NextClient.getDefault().post("", forms);
// 用法二
    final NextRequest request ="");
    request.query("param1", "value");
    request.form("key1", "value1");
    request.form("key2", "value2");
    NextResponse response = NextClient.getDefault().execute(request);


    final NextRequest request ="");
    request.form("name", "myfile");
    request.file("image", new File("12345.jpg"), "image/jpeg");
    NextResponse response = NextClient.getDefault().execute(request);

HTTP Response

HTTP请求返回的结果是 对象,包含下面这些方法:

    File file = null;
    OutputStream outputStream = null;
    String url = "";
    NextResponse response = NextClient.getDefault().get(url);
    // 获取HTTP状态码
    int httpStatusCode = response.code();
    // 获取HTTP状态消息
    String httpStatusMessage = response.message();
    Headers httpHeaders = response.headers();
    // 根据名字获取HTTP HEADER
    String dateHeader = response.header("Date");
    // 是否是成功的请求 20x
    // 是否是重定向 30x
    // 获取重定向地址
    // 获取 ContentType
    // 获取 Content-Length
    // 获取原始的Response对象
    // 获取InputStream;
    // 获取Reader
    // 获取字节数组
    // 获取响应文本内容
    // 写入文件
    // 写入输出流
    // 关闭连接
    // 获取创建时间
    // 获取编码

HTTP Request

HTTP请求封装为一个 对象,主要接口如下:

// 快捷工厂方法:
public static NextRequest head(final String url)
public static NextRequest get(final String url)
public static NextRequest delete(final String url)
public static NextRequest post(final String url)
public static NextRequest put(final String url)

// 构造函数
public NextRequest(final NextRequest source)
public NextRequest(final HttpMethod method, String url)
public NextRequest(final HttpMethod method, String url, final NextParams params) 

// 实例方法
// 启用调试,输出日志
NextRequest debug(boolean debug);
// 设置进度Listener
NextRequest progress(ProgressListener listener);
// 设置UserAgent
NextRequest userAgent(String userAgent);
// 设置Authorization信息
NextRequest authorization(String authorization);
// 设置Referer头
NextRequest referer(String referer);
// 设置某个Header
NextRequest header(String name, String value);
// 设置多个Header
NextRequest headers(Map<String, String> headers);
// 设置URL参数
NextRequest query(String key, String value);
// 设置多个URL参数
NextRequest queries(Map<String, String> queries);
// 设置POST/PUT参数
NextRequest form(String key, String value);
// 设置多个POST/PUT参数
NextRequest forms(Map<String, String> forms);
// 设置多个MultiPart参数 POST/PUT
NextRequest parts(Collection<BodyPart> parts);
// File参数 POST/PUT
NextRequest file(String key, File file);
// File参数 POST/PUT
NextRequest file(String key, File file, String contentType);
// File参数 POST/PUT
NextRequest file(String key, File file, String contentType, String fileName);
// File参数 POST/PUT
NextRequest file(String key, byte[] bytes);
// File参数 POST/PUT
NextRequest file(String key, byte[] bytes, String contentType);
// 设置POST/PUT的数据
NextRequest body(byte[] body);
// 设置POST/PUT的数据
NextRequest body(String content, Charset charset);
// 设置POST/PUT的数据
NextRequest body(File file) throws IOException;
// 设置POST/PUT的数据
NextRequest body(Reader reader) throws IOException;
// 设置POST/PUT的数据
NextRequest body(InputStream stream) throws IOException;
// 使用NextParams设置参数
NextRequest params(NextParams params);

HTTP Client

这个类用于管理一些全局的参数,如统一的POST/PUT参数,全局的HTTP头,设置超时和SSL配置,执行HTTP请求等,位置是 ,主要方法如下:

NextClient addParam(String key, String value);
NextClient addParams(Map<String, String> params);

NextClient addHeader(String key, String value);
NextClient addHeaders(Map<String, String> headers);

NextClient setInterceptor(OkClientInterceptor interceptor);

NextClient setHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier);
NextClient setSocketFactory(SocketFactory socketFactory);
NextClient setSslSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory);

NextClient setFollowRedirects(boolean followRedirects);
NextClient setFollowSslRedirects(boolean followProtocolRedirects);
NextClient setRetryOnConnectionFailure(boolean retryOnConnectionFailure);

NextClient setConnectTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit);
NextClient setReadTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit);
NextClient setWriteTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit);

NextClient setUserAgent(String userAgent);
NextClient setAuthorization(String authorization);
NextClient setReferer(String referer);

NextResponse head(String url) throws IOException;
NextResponse head(String url, Map<String, String> queries)
        throws IOException;
NextResponse head(String url, Map<String, String> queries,
                  Map<String, String> headers)
        throws IOException;

NextResponse get(String url) throws IOException;
NextResponse get(String url, Map<String, String> queries)
        throws IOException;
NextResponse get(String url, Map<String, String> queries,
                 Map<String, String> headers)
        throws IOException;

NextResponse delete(String url) throws IOException;
// put params into url queries
NextResponse delete(String url, Map<String, String> queries)
        throws IOException;
// put params into url queries
NextResponse delete(String url, Map<String, String> queries,
                    Map<String, String> headers)
        throws IOException;

// put params into  http request body
NextResponse delete2(String url, Map<String, String> forms)
        throws IOException;
// put params into  http request body
NextResponse delete2(String url, Map<String, String> forms,
                     Map<String, String> headers)
        throws IOException;
NextResponse post(String url, Map<String, String> forms)
        throws IOException;
NextResponse post(String url, Map<String, String> forms,
                  Map<String, String> headers)
        throws IOException;

NextResponse put(String url, Map<String, String> forms)
        throws IOException;
NextResponse put(String url, Map<String, String> forms,
                 Map<String, String> headers)
        throws IOException;

NextResponse request(HttpMethod method, String url)
        throws IOException;
NextResponse request(HttpMethod method, String url,
                     Map<String, String> queries)
        throws IOException;

NextResponse get(String url, NextParams params) throws IOException;
NextResponse delete(String url, NextParams params) throws IOException;
NextResponse post(String url, NextParams params) throws IOException;
NextResponse put(String url, NextParams params) throws IOException;

NextResponse request(HttpMethod method, String url,
                     Map<String, String> queries,
                     Map<String, String> forms)
        throws IOException;
NextResponse request(HttpMethod method, String url,
                     Map<String, String> queries,
                     Map<String, String> forms,
                     Map<String, String> headers)
        throws IOException;
<T> T request(HttpMethod method, String url,
              Map<String, String> queries,
              Map<String, String> forms,
              Map<String, String> headers,
              ResponseConverter<T> converter)
        throws IOException;
NextResponse request(HttpMethod method, String url,
                     NextParams params)
        throws IOException;

NextResponse execute(NextRequest req)
        throws IOException;
<T> T execute(NextRequest req, ResponseConverter<T> converter)
        throws IOException;


        final String url = "";
        try {
            // simple use
            // get next client
            // final NextClient client=NextClient.getDefault();
            final NextClient client = new NextClient();
            // http get
            final NextResponse res1 = client.get(url);
            final Map<String, String> queries = new HashMap<String, String>();
            queries.put("uid", "next");
            queries.put("date", "2015-07-02");
            final NextResponse res2 = client.get(url, queries);
            // http post
            final Map<String, String> forms = new HashMap<String, String>();
            queries.put("data", "hello");
            queries.put("date", "2015-07-02");
            final NextResponse res3 =, forms);

            // using NextParams
            final NextParams params = new NextParams();
            params.query("uid", "next");
            params.query("date", "2015-07-02");
            params.form("text", "hello");
            params.form("test", "wahahah");
            params.file("image", new File("IMG_20141222.jpg"), "image/jpeg");
            final NextResponse res =, params);

            // advanced use
            final NextRequest request =
                    .header("X-UDID", "cxgdg4543gd64tgdgs2tgdgst4")
                    .file("image", new File("IMG_20141222.jpg"), "image/jpeg")
                    .query("debug_mode", "true")
                    .form("param1", "value1")
                            // http progress callback
                            // for monitor upload/download file progress
                    .authorization("Bearer %your access token here")
                    .userAgent(" Android/19")
                    .progress(new ProgressListener() {
                        public void update(final long bytesRead, final long contentLength,
                                           final boolean done) {
                            Log.v("HTTP", "http progress: " + bytesRead * 100 / contentLength);

            final NextResponse response = client.execute(request);
            // get response meta-data
            Log.v(TAG, "http response successful: " + response.successful());
            Log.v(TAG, "http response statusCode: " + response.code());
            Log.v(TAG, "http response statusMessage: " + response.message());
            Log.v(TAG, "http response contentLength: " + response.contentLength());
            Log.v(TAG, "http response contentType: " + response.contentType());
            // get 301/302/30x location header
            Log.v(TAG, "http response location: " + response.location());
            Log.v(TAG, "http response Server:" + response.header("Server"));
            Log.v(TAG, "http response Connection: " + response.header("Connection"));
            // get body as string
            Log.v(TAG, "http response content: " + response.string());
            // get body as  bytes
            final byte[] bytes = response.bytes();
            final Bitmap bitmap1 = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
            // get body as  stream
            final InputStream stream =;
            final Bitmap bitmap2 = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(stream);
            // get body as reader
            final Reader reader = response.reader();

        } catch (IOException e) {