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Releases: angel-vladov/select2-theme-bootstrap4

libsass compatibility

21 Sep 11:38
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  • libsass friendly division

libsass compatibility

13 Feb 16:12
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  • libsass friendly division by 2
  • Added additional select2 examples
  • Documentation updates

LESS version removed

08 Aug 14:48
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  • Bootstrap 4 doesn't have a LESS version
  • Bumped version to 1.0.0

input-groups border-radius

30 Jan 00:08
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Better reset border radius when select2 is used alone in an input-group container.

input-groups border-radius

29 Jan 23:19
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Better reset border radius when select2 is used alone in an input-group container.

Based on #10

Bootstrap tilde imports

21 Jul 22:12
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  • Use ~ for Bootstrap imports

This version doesn't lead to any changes in the compiled output. You might be interested in it only if you are doing your own builds using build.scss

Bootstrap 4.2+ Support

10 Mar 23:38
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  • Use Bootstrap 4.2 font-size variables if present

Switched to Bootstrap 4

22 May 07:52
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  • Forked from Bootsrap 3 theme.
  • Switched to Bootstrap 4. All styles updated to work with Bootstrap 4 instead of 3.

Forked and modified from select2 Bootstrap 3 theme. All credits go to the original authors.