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angelozerr edited this page May 29, 2015 · 1 revision


Today several JavaScript editors supports tern-lint :

CodeMirror :

Here a screenshot with tern lint and CodeMirror :

CodeMirror & TernLint

Eclipse :

If you are Eclipse user, you can use the tern lint.js too. See Tern IDE & Validation

Eclipse & TernLint


Emacs & TernLint

See tern-lint.el for more information.


![Atom & TernLint] (

See atom-ternjs for more information.

Other editors

If you wish to integrate the tern lint with an editor (Vim, Sublime, etc), here the JSON request to post to the tern server :

 "query": {
  "type": "lint",
  "file": "test.js",
  "files": [
    "name": "test.js",
    "text": "var elt = document.getElementByIdXXX('myId');",
    "type": "full"

and the JSON response of the tern server :

 "messages": [
   "message": "Unknow property 'getElementByIdXXX'",
   "from": 19,
   "to": 36,
   "severity": "warning"


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