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Santiy Backend


This is an express app that powers the sanity app. The provided endpoints are mostly RESTful w/ a few execptions. The backing store is a standard mongodb process.

Getting Started

To get started, make sure you have Node >= 7.6 installed to handle the async/await syntax and make sure you have mongodb running on the standard port.

Note You will have to modify you .env file before all of the server functionality will work.

git clone
cd 310-backend
# Please see for install instructions for the receipt-scanner depdendency
npm install
npm run start:dev

This will spin up the server locally, running on port 3000 by default. Additionally, nodemon will restart the server every time a file changes.

Note: As mentioned above, you will need to run mongodb in the background. The easiest way to get it is to run brew install mongodb and then brew services start mongodb.


All the the deployment-specific configuration for the backend stored in a .env file in the root directory. The .env is written in a standard bash syntax and all the variables in the file get injected into the Node process as enviornment variables. The application can then access these variables through calling process.env.VARIABLE_NAME. A sample of this file is provided in .env-example. The list below specifies the necessary keys and how to find/set them.

JWT_SECRET="dev" # This is the secret that teh JWTs are signed with. Make sure this has sufficient entropy and share it with no one.

SENDER_EMAIL="" # This is the "from" address for all email notifications and password resets. This will have to be veriftied before use in the AWS Ses console.

# Note: The AWS IAM role _must_ have `AmazonSESFullAccess` policy attached to it
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="fdslewwiojo209fo3ih03hh832ljf3l" # This is the AWS secret
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-east-1" # This is the AWS region where the emails will be sent from

Other Requirements

Cron Job

To handle delayed notification sending and budget archival, the project requires a cron job to be called 3 times a day at a regular interval. The cron is invoked as follows:

node cron.js

Most unix systems provide a mechanism to trigger this script on a regular interval. This can be accomplished by running the crontab -e command and following the instructions to create the appropriate entries.


We are using Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) for our transactional email. We send password reset emails and budget notifications through their service. To use these features you will have to register for an AWS account and verify at least one email. Our team has an account but we were unsure about sharing the AWS tokens. Please contact for details.

File Structure

src/ - All the JS source
  controllers/ - RESTful application controllers
    budget/ - Budget controllers
    category/ - Category controllers
    authentication/ - Authentication controllers
  db/ - Database related things
    plugins/ - [mongorito plugins]( (used to wire up relationships)
  helpers/ - Assorted helpers
  middlewares/ - Middlewares to set models for the controllers to play with
  routes/ - Wires up all the controllers to HTTP endpoints
  validators/ - Validator configs for routes that need validation

tests/ - All the tests
  int/ - Integration tests
  uint/ - Unit tests


The codebase has pretty solid test coverage. Most of the tests are integration tests and are declared in the tests/int/ directory. There are a few commands to run the test suite. npm run test will run everything.

  • npm run test - runs all the tests

  • npm run test:int - run integration tests

  • npm run test:int:watch - Run the integration tests every time a file changes.

  • npm run test:unit - Run the unit tests

  • npm run test:unit:watch - Run the unit tests every time a file changes


This project uses standard to lint. These commands will run the linter.

  • npm run lint - Runs standard
  • npm run lint:fix - Runs standard and lets it fix issues it can handle


Sanity Backend for CSCI 310 Project






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