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Synthesizing LETC

John Jekel edited this page Feb 11, 2024 · 2 revisions


Since we are targeting a Zynq 7000 series FPGA, in order to run synthesis for it you need to install Vivado.

Make sure that the vivado binary is in your PATH as well so that scripts function correctly.

Out of Context (Subblock) Synthesis

Out of Context synthesis is where we only synthesize a sub-block of LETC for testing purposes. This allows us to get rough timing, area, and power estimates on sub-blocks of the design and enables faster iteration during development that synthesizing the entirety of LETC.


cd synth/subblock to switch to the directory where the OOC synthesis enviornment lives You can then do make help to see your options. It will look something like this:

This is the Makefile for running out of context synthesis!

Usage: make BLOCK=block/subdirs/synth_folder synth


BLOCK is a path to the subdirectory containing the subblock to synthesize, for example common/fifo/fifo_0r1w.

Example: make synth BLOCK=common/fifo/fifo_0r1w

Setting up for a new block

If you want to set things up for a new block, simply copy an existing folder containing one and modify the files as appropriate.

In particular, the bare minimum you'll want to copy is the synthesis.tcl script. You can then modify it with the name of the top module of the design, a list of all RTL files that need to be compiled in, and the constraints.

In speaking of constraints, you can either point Vivado towards the usual.xdc constraints file in synth/subblock or write your own if you need to customize something.

That's it! The synth/subblock/Makefile makefile will automatically work with your setup: all you need to do is specify the relative path to the folder where your files are for the BLOCK variable!

Full Chip Synthesis


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