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feat(color/palette): add module to create color palette.
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sciborrudnicki committed Nov 10, 2023
1 parent 844908e commit 1025ed5
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Showing 6 changed files with 269 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions color/palette/_index.scss
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
@forward 'palette.create.function';
@forward 'palette.get.function';
@forward 'palette.remove.function';
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions color/palette/_palette.create.mixin.scss
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
// Modules.
@use '../../function';
@use '../../list';
@use '../../map';
@use '../../meta';
@use '../../variant';

// Functions.
@use '../functions/' as *;
@use '../functions/' as *;

// Add.
function.$functions: map.set(function.$functions, color, name, meta.get-function(name));

// Status: DONE
// NOTE: consider adding bracketed adjust
// The `palette.create()` function.
// @arbitrary `$values...`
@mixin create($values...) {
$palette: ();
@each $name-color in $values {
@each $name, $color in $name-color {
$nested: variant.indicator-index($name, '+');
$name: if($nested, variant.indicator-remove($name, '+'), $name);

// Palette name.
@include list.each($name) using($name, $i) {
// Color.
@include list.each($color) using($color, $j) {
@if list.has-list($color) and list.separator($color) == space {
$color: name-nest(if($nested, $name, null), $color...);
} @else {
$color: name-nest(if($nested, $name, null), ($color,));

$variant: variant.create($color);

// TODO: Check.
// @each $class, $color in $variant {
// @if list.index($class, color) and list.length($class) > 1 {
// $variant: map.key-replace($variant, $class, list.remove-value($class, color));
// }
// }

$palette: map.deep-merge($palette, (
$name: $variant
162 changes: 162 additions & 0 deletions color/palette/_palette.create.mixin.spec.scss
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@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
// Functions.
@use 'palette.create.mixin' as *;
@use 'palette.get.function' as *;

// Palette
// $palette: (
// palette 1: (
// class 1: color name dark,
// class 2: color name light,
// ),

// palette 2: (
// class 1: color dark,
// class 2: color light,
// ),

// palette 3: (
// class 1: color dark,
// class 2: color light,
// )
// );

// LVHA-order: :link — :visited — :hover — :active

@include create((
// FEATURE: Single color in color variant
// primary: color,
// primary: primary,
// outline primary: primary,

// FEATURE: Multiple colors in palette
// core: (disabled, error,),

// FEATURE: Multiple palettes with color variant
// (primary, secondary): primary,

// FEATURE: Multiple palettes with color variants
// (primary, secondary): (primary, secondary),

// FEATURE: Modified lightness of color variant
// control: ((disabled, 15%), error,), // 15% lightness
// control: ((disabled, 15% 5%), error,), // 15% lightness (link,visited,active), 5% (hover)
// control: ((disabled, '*' 15%, '-' 0.2), error,),
// control: ((disabled, 15%, 0.5), error,),
// control: ((disabled, 20deg, 30%, 15%, 0.5), error,),

// core: (secondary, (primary (color, dark, light))),
// core: ((primary dark, primary light), error, ), // TODO:
// core: (((primary dark, 15%), (primary light, 5%)), error, ), // TODO:

// FEATURE: Multiple colors in variant
// core: ((primary dark, secondary dark), error), // TODO:

// FEATURE: Color names
// control: (disabled, error, info, success, warning),
// +control: (disabled, error, info, success, warning),
// +outline primary: primary,

// FEATURE: Shades
// primary: (color, dark, light),
// (primary small, secondary large): (color, dark, light),

// FEATURE: + indicator
// +primary: color,
// +primary: (color, dark, light),
// (primary, +secondary): (color, dark, light),
// (primary, +secondary): (top (color, dark, light)),
// (primary, +secondary): ((top, bottom) (color, dark, light)),
// +core: (secondary, (primary (color, dark, light))),
// +core: ((secondary, 10%), (primary ((color, 5%), (dark, 1%), (light, 9%)))), // TODO:
// (+basic, +core): (secondary, (primary (color, dark, light))),

// FEATURE: Nest name + shade
// secondary: (secondary (color, (dark, -30%), (light, 60%))),
// secondary: (secondary (color, (ultra dark, -30%), (mega light, 60%)),),
// gray: ('gray' (color, dark, light)),

// core: (dark, light, accent, (primary (color, dark, light)), (secondary (color, dark, light))),
// (+bg, +border): (color, dark, light)
)) using($palette) {
@debug $palette;

// @debug get($palette, bg);

// ()
// (core: ([primary small, secondary large]: [color, dark, light]))

// Examples.
// not converted palette
// @debug create((core: (primary: primary color, secondary: secondary color, accent: accent color))); // (core: (primary: primary color, secondary: secondary color, accent: accent color))

// create core palette with primary color variant
// @debug create((core: primary));
// @debug create((core: primary light));

// create core palette with disabled and error color variant
// @debug create((core: (disabled, error,)));

// create core palette
// @debug create((core: ([primary small, secondary large]: [color, dark, light])));

// create gray palette with gray colors
// @debug create((['gray']: [xs [color, dark, light]]));

// create core palette with gray colors
// @debug create((core: (['gray']: [xs [color, dark, light]])));

// (string: string)
// @debug create((primary: primary)); // (primary: ("primary": primary color))
// @debug create((primary: (primary: primary))); // (primary: ("primary": primary color))

// (list: string)
// @debug create((outline primary: primary)); // (outline primary: ("primary": primary color))
// @debug create(((primary, secondary): primary)); // (primary: ("primary": primary color), secondary: ("primary": primary color))

// (string: list)
// @debug create((primary: primary dark)); // (primary: (primary dark: primary color dark))

// (string: (string,))
// @debug create((control: (disabled, error, info, success, warning))); // (control: ("disabled": disabled color, "error": error color, "info": info color, "success": success color, "warning": warning color))

// (list: (string,))
// @debug create((border outline: (disabled, error, info, success, warning))); // (border outline: ("disabled": disabled color, "error": error color, "info": info color, "success": success color, "warning": warning color))

// ([string]: [string,])
// @debug create(([primary]: [color,])); // (primary: (primary: primary color))

// ([string, string]: [string, string])
// @debug create(([primary, secondary]: [color, dark])); // (primary: (primary: primary color, primary dark: primary color dark), secondary: (secondary: secondary color, secondary dark: secondary color dark))

// Bracketed
// ([string]: [string, [string]])
// @debug create((['gray']: [xs [color, dark, light]])); // ("gray": (gray xs: gray xs color, gray xs dark: gray xs color dark, gray xs light: gray xs color light))
// @debug create((['gray']: [xs] [color, dark, light])); // ("gray": (gray xs: gray xs color, gray xs dark: gray xs color dark, gray xs light: gray xs color light))

// ([string]: [string [string]])
// @debug create((['gray']: [extra small [color, dark, light]])); // ("gray": (gray extra small: gray extra small color, gray extra small dark: gray extra small color dark, gray extra small light: gray extra small color light))
// @debug create((['gray']: [extra small] [color, dark, light])); // ("gray": (gray extra small: gray extra small color, gray extra small dark: gray extra small color dark, gray extra small light: gray extra small color light))
// @debug create((['gray']: [extra small [a color, b dark, light c]]));

// ([list, string]: [string [string]])
// @debug create(([primary extra, secondary]: [ultra small [color, dark, light]])); // (primary extra: (primary extra ultra small: primary extra ultra small color, primary extra ultra small dark: primary extra ultra small color dark, primary extra ultra small light: primary extra ultra small color light), secondary: (secondary ultra small: secondary ultra small color, secondary ultra small dark: secondary ultra small color dark, secondary ultra small light: secondary ultra small color light))
// @debug create(([primary extra, secondary]: ([ultra small [color, dark, light]], [large [color, dark, light]]))); // (primary extra: (primary extra ultra small: primary extra ultra small color, primary extra ultra small dark: primary extra ultra small color dark, primary extra ultra small light: primary extra ultra small color light, primary extra large: primary extra large color, primary extra large dark: primary extra large color dark, primary extra large light: primary extra large color light), secondary: (secondary ultra small: secondary ultra small color, secondary ultra small dark: secondary ultra small color dark, secondary ultra small light: secondary ultra small color light, secondary large: secondary large color, secondary large dark: secondary large color dark, secondary large light: secondary large color light))
// @debug create(([primary xs, border]: [color, dark, light])); // (primary xs: (primary xs: primary xs color, primary xs dark: primary xs color dark, primary xs light: primary xs color light), border: (border: border color, border dark: border color dark, border light: border color light))
// @debug create(([primary large, secondary small]: [xs [color, dark, light]])); // (primary large: (primary large xs: primary large xs color, primary large xs dark: primary large xs color dark, primary large xs light: primary large xs color light), secondary small: (secondary small xs: secondary small xs color, secondary small xs dark: secondary small xs color dark, secondary small xs light: secondary small xs color light))
// @debug create(([bg, border]: [[color, dark, light]])); // (bg: (bg: bg color, bg dark: bg color dark, bg light: bg color light), border: (border: border color, border dark: border color dark, border light: border color light))

// multiple
// @debug create((core: (dark, light, accent, [primary [color, dark, light]], [secondary [color, dark, light]]))); // (core: ("dark": dark color, "light": light color, "accent": accent color, primary: primary color, primary dark: primary color dark, primary light: primary color light, secondary: secondary color, secondary dark: secondary color dark, secondary light: secondary color light))
// @debug create(
// // ((primary large, primary small): (secondary, highlight, 'yellow')),
// // ([primary large, primary small]: [color, dark, light]),
// // (control: (disabled, error, info, success, warning)),
// // ([link, 'gray']: [color, dark, light])
// // (['gray']: [color, dark, light])
// );

// lightness and alpha adjust
// @debug create((control: ((disabled, 15%), (error, 15% 0.5), info, success, warning))); // (control: ("disabled": (disabled color, 15%), "error": (error color, 15% 0.5), "info": info color, "success": success color, "warning": warning color))
// @debug create((footer large: outline (disabled, error, info, success, warning)));
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions color/palette/_palette.get.function.scss
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
// Sass.
@use '../../map';

// Status: DONE
// The `palette.get()` function.
// @param `$palette`
// @param `$name`
// @param `$color`
// @returns
@function get($palette, $name, $color: null) {
@return if($color, map.get($palette, ($name, $color)), map.get($palette, $name));
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions color/palette/_palette.remove.function.scss
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
// Sass.
@use 'sass:map';

// Status: DONE
// The `palette.remove()` function.
// @param `$palette`
// @param `$name-color`
// @returns
@function remove($palette, $name-color) {
$result: ();
@each $key, $value in $palette {
@each $name, $color in $name-color {
@if $name == $key {
$palette: map.set($palette, $key, map.remove($value, $color...));
@return $palette;
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions color/palette/_palette.spec.scss
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
// Functions.
@use 'palette.create.function' as *;
@use 'palette.get.function' as *;
@use 'palette.remove.function' as *;
@use 'palette.set.function' as *;

// Examples.
// $palette: create((primary: (primary, primary dark, secondary, accent)), (core: (disabled, active, error, highlight dark)));

// get
// @debug get($palette, core); // ("disabled": disabled color, "active": active color, "error": error color, highlight dark: highlight color dark)
// @debug get($palette, core, disabled); // disabled color

// set
// $palette: set($palette, (core: (active: active dark)));
// @debug get($palette, core, active); // active color dark

// remove
// $palette: remove($palette, (core: (highlight dark, error), primary: (primary dark,)));
// @debug get($palette, core);

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