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View Transitions with Angular 17+

Starting with Angular 17.0.0-next.4, Angular provides a built-in support for the View Transitions API.

Add View Transitions API

Update the route configuration

Update your route configuration by adding the withViewTransition() provider:

import {withViewTransitions} from '@angular/router';

provideRouter(routes, withViewTransitions())

Customize the transition animation

By default, the transitions will operate a quick fade-out/fade-in animation.

You can customize it by using the view transition pair ::view-transition-old ::view-transition-new to generate animations on view transitions.

::view-transition-old(<selector>) {
  // TODO animation definition for leaving page

::view-transition-new(<selector>) {
  // TODO animation definition for new page

Identify target elements

Use the new view-transition-name css rule to identify pairs of elements for finer animations. A given view-transition-name value cannot be used several times on the same page.

.my-element {
  view-transition-name: myElement;

This project use a custom directive to do so.

Allows animation deactivation

Use prefers-reduced-motion media query to deactivate view transitions animations if the user wants to.

@media (prefers-reduced-motion) {
  ::view-transition-new(*) {
    animation: none !important;


Install dependencies

Run npm install to install dependencies.

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.