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Update Command

ng update is a new command in the CLI to update one or multiple packages, its peer dependencies, and the peer dependencies that depends on it.

If there are inconsistencies, for example if peer dependencies cannot be matches by a simple semver range, the tool will error out (and nothing will be committed on the filesystem).

Command Line Usage

ng update <package1 [package2 [...]]> [options]

You can specify more than one package. Each package follows the convention of [@scope/]packageName[@version-range-or-dist-tag]. Packages not found in your dependencies will trigger an error. Any package that has a higher version in your package.json will trigger an error.

Flag Argument Description
--force boolean If true, skip the verification step and perform the update even if some peer dependencies would be invalidated. Peer dependencies errors will still be shown as warning. Defaults to false.
--next boolean If true, allows version discovery to include Beta and RC. Defaults to false.
--migrate-only boolean If true, don't change the package.json file, only apply migration scripts.
--from version Apply migrations from a certain version number.
--to version Apply migrations up to a certain version number (inclusive). By default will update to the installed version.


The schematic performs the following steps, in order:

  1. Get all installed package names and versions from the package.json into dependencyMap: Map<string, string>.
  2. From that map, fetch all package.json from the NPM repository, which contains all versions, and gather them in a Map<string, NpmPackageJson>.
  3. At the same time, update the Map<> with the version of the package which is believed to be installed (largest version number matching the version range).
  4. WARNING: this might not be the exact installed versions, unfortunately. We should have a proper package-lock.json loader, and support yarn.lock as well, but these are stretch goals (and where do we stop).
  5. For each packages mentioned on the command line, update to the target version (by default largest non-beta non-rc version):
# ARGV    The packages being requested by the user.
# NPM     A map of package name to a map of version to PackageJson structure.
# V       A map of package name to available versions.
# PKG     A map of package name to PackageJson structure, for the installed versions.
# next    A flag for the "--next" command line argument.

# First add all updating packages' peer dependencies. This should be recursive but simplified
# here for readability.
ARGV += [ NPM[p][max([ v for v in V[p] if (not is_beta(v) or next) ])].peerDependencies
          for p in ARGV ]

for p in ARGV:
  x = max([ v for v in V[p] if (not is_beta(v) or next) ])

  for other in set(PKG.keys()) - set([ p ]):
    # Verify all packages' peer dependencies.
    if has(other.peerDependencies, p) and !compatible(x, other.peerDependencies[p]):
      showError('Cannot update dependency "%s": "%s" is incompatible with the updated dependency' % (x, other))

    if any( has(other.peerDependencies, peer) and !compatible(x, other.peerDependencies[peer])
            for peer in PKG[p].peerDependencies.keys() ):
      showError('Cannot update dependency "%s": "%s" depends on an incompatible peer dependency' % (x, other))

  update_package_json(p, x)

Library Developers

Libraries are responsible for defining their own update schematics. The ng update tool will update the package.json, and if it detects the "ng-update" key in package.json of the library, will run the update schematic on it (with version information metadata).

If a library does not define the "ng-update" key in their package.json, they are considered not supporting the update workflow and ng update is basically equivalent to npm install.


In order to implement migrations in a library, the author must add the ng-update key to its package.json. This key contains the following fields:

Field Name Type Description
requirements { [packageName: string]: VersionRange } A map of package names to version to check for minimal requirement. If one of the libraries listed here does not match the version range specified in requirements, an error will be shown to the user to manually update those libraries. For example, @angular/core does not support updates from versions earlier than 5, so this field would be { '@angular/core': '>= 5' }.
migrations string A relative path (or resolved using Node module resolution) to a Schematics collection definition.
packageGroup string[] A list of npm packages that are to be grouped together. When running the update schematic it will automatically include all packages as part of the packageGroup in the update (if the user also installed them).
packageGroupName string The name of the packageGroup to use. By default, uses the first package in the packageGroup. The packageGroupName needs to be part of the packageGroup and should be a valid package name.

Example given:

Library my-lib wants to have 2 steps to update from version 4 -> 4.5 and 4.5 to 5. It would add this information in its package.json:

  "ng-update": {
    "requirements": {
      "my-lib": "^5"
    "migrations": "./migrations/migration-collection.json"

And create a migration collection (same schema as the Schematics collection):

  "schematics": {
    "migration-01": {
      "version": "6",
      "factory": "./update-6"
    "migration-02": {
      "version": "6.2",
      "factory": "./update-6_2"
    "migration-03": {
      "version": "6.3",
      "factory": "./update-6_3"
    "migration-04": {
      "version": "7",
      "factory": "./update-7"
    "migration-05": {
      "version": "8",
      "factory": "./update-8"

The update tool would then read the current version of library installed, check against all version fields and run the schematics, until it reaches the version required by the user (inclusively). If such a collection is used to update from version 5 to version 7, the 01, 02, 03, and 04 functions would be called. If the current version is 7 and a --refactor-only flag is passed, it would run the migration 04 only. More arguments are needed to know from which version you are updating.

Running ng update @angular/core would be the same as ng generate @angular/core/migrations:migration-01.

Use cases


ng update, shows what updates would be applied;

$ ng update
We analyzed your package.json, there's some packages to update:

Name                Version            Command to update
@angular/cli        1.7.0  >  6.0.0    ng update @angular/cli
@angular/core       5.4.3  >  6.0.1    ng update @angular/core
@angular/material   5.2.1  >  6.0.0    ng update @angular/material
@angular/router     5.4.3  >  6.0.1    ng update @angular/core

There might be additional packages that are outdated.

Simple Multi-steps

I have a dependency on Angular, Material and CLI. I want to update the CLI, then Angular, then Material in separate steps.


  1. ng update @angular/cli.
    Updates the CLI and packages that have a peer dependencies on the CLI (none), running refactoring tools from CLI 1 to 6.
  2. ng update @angular/core.
    Updates the Core package and all packages that have a peer dependency on it. This can get tricky if @angular/material get caught in the update because the version installed does not directly allow the new version of @angular/core. In this case

Complex Case


  "dependencies": {
    "@angular/material": "5.0.0",
    "@angular/core": "5.5.5"


ng update @angular/core
  • updates @angular/core to the latest dist-tag (6.0.0)
  • sees that @angular/material is not compatible with 6.0.0; error out.
ng update @angular/material
  • update @angular/material to latest version, that should be compatible with the current @angular/core.
  • if that version is not compatible with you
  • tell the user about a higher version that requires an update to @angular/core.


  1. if someone is on CLI 1.5, the command is not supported. The user needs to update to @angular/cli@latest, then ng update @angular/cli. Post install hook will check versions of cli configuration and show a message to run the ng update command.
  2. NPM proxies or cache are not supported by the first version of this command.