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fix(material-experimental/mdc-table): export missing symbols (#20924)
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mmalerba committed Oct 30, 2020
1 parent cf4aa51 commit f7d7502
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Showing 5 changed files with 390 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/material-experimental/mdc-table/BUILD.bazel
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ ng_module(
deps = [
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/material-experimental/mdc-table/module.ts
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import {
} from './row';
import {MatTextColumn} from './text-column';

// Table
Expand All @@ -52,6 +53,8 @@ const EXPORTED_DECLARATIONS = [


Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/material-experimental/mdc-table/public-api.ts
Expand Up @@ -10,3 +10,5 @@ export * from './table';
export * from './module';
export * from './cell';
export * from './row';
export * from './table-data-source';
export * from './text-column';
340 changes: 340 additions & 0 deletions src/material-experimental/mdc-table/table-data-source.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at

// NOTE: This file is a direct copy of src/material/table/table-data-source.ts, but it imports
// `MatPaginator` from `@angular/material-experimental/mdc-paginator` rather than
// `@angular/material/paginator`.
// TODO(mmalerba): Refactor this into a common base class with the non-MDC version.

import {_isNumberValue} from '@angular/cdk/coercion';
import {DataSource} from '@angular/cdk/table';
import {
of as observableOf,
} from 'rxjs';
import {MatPaginator, PageEvent} from '@angular/material-experimental/mdc-paginator';
import {MatSort, Sort} from '@angular/material/sort';
import {map} from 'rxjs/operators';

* Corresponds to `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER`. Moved out into a variable here due to
* flaky browser support and the value not being defined in Closure's typings.
const MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991;

* Data source that accepts a client-side data array and includes native support of filtering,
* sorting (using MatSort), and pagination (using MatPaginator).
* Allows for sort customization by overriding sortingDataAccessor, which defines how data
* properties are accessed. Also allows for filter customization by overriding filterTermAccessor,
* which defines how row data is converted to a string for filter matching.
* **Note:** This class is meant to be a simple data source to help you get started. As such
* it isn't equipped to handle some more advanced cases like robust i18n support or server-side
* interactions. If your app needs to support more advanced use cases, consider implementing your
* own `DataSource`.
export class MatTableDataSource<T> extends DataSource<T> {
/** Stream that emits when a new data array is set on the data source. */
private readonly _data: BehaviorSubject<T[]>;

/** Stream emitting render data to the table (depends on ordered data changes). */
private readonly _renderData = new BehaviorSubject<T[]>([]);

/** Stream that emits when a new filter string is set on the data source. */
private readonly _filter = new BehaviorSubject<string>('');

/** Used to react to internal changes of the paginator that are made by the data source itself. */
private readonly _internalPageChanges = new Subject<void>();

* Subscription to the changes that should trigger an update to the table's rendered rows, such
* as filtering, sorting, pagination, or base data changes.
_renderChangesSubscription = Subscription.EMPTY;

* The filtered set of data that has been matched by the filter string, or all the data if there
* is no filter. Useful for knowing the set of data the table represents.
* For example, a 'selectAll()' function would likely want to select the set of filtered data
* shown to the user rather than all the data.
filteredData: T[];

/** Array of data that should be rendered by the table, where each object represents one row. */
get data() { return this._data.value; }
set data(data: T[]) {; }

* Filter term that should be used to filter out objects from the data array. To override how
* data objects match to this filter string, provide a custom function for filterPredicate.
get filter(): string { return this._filter.value; }
set filter(filter: string) {; }

* Instance of the MatSort directive used by the table to control its sorting. Sort changes
* emitted by the MatSort will trigger an update to the table's rendered data.
get sort(): MatSort | null { return this._sort; }
set sort(sort: MatSort|null) {
this._sort = sort;
private _sort: MatSort|null;

* Instance of the MatPaginator component used by the table to control what page of the data is
* displayed. Page changes emitted by the MatPaginator will trigger an update to the
* table's rendered data.
* Note that the data source uses the paginator's properties to calculate which page of data
* should be displayed. If the paginator receives its properties as template inputs,
* e.g. `[pageLength]=100` or `[pageIndex]=1`, then be sure that the paginator's view has been
* initialized before assigning it to this data source.
get paginator(): MatPaginator | null { return this._paginator; }
set paginator(paginator: MatPaginator|null) {
this._paginator = paginator;
private _paginator: MatPaginator|null;

* Data accessor function that is used for accessing data properties for sorting through
* the default sortData function.
* This default function assumes that the sort header IDs (which defaults to the column name)
* matches the data's properties (e.g. column Xyz represents data['Xyz']).
* May be set to a custom function for different behavior.
* @param data Data object that is being accessed.
* @param sortHeaderId The name of the column that represents the data.
sortingDataAccessor: ((data: T, sortHeaderId: string) => string|number) =
(data: T, sortHeaderId: string): string|number => {
const value = (data as {[key: string]: any})[sortHeaderId];

if (_isNumberValue(value)) {
const numberValue = Number(value);

// Numbers beyond `MAX_SAFE_INTEGER` can't be compared reliably so we
// leave them as strings. For more info:
return numberValue < MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ? numberValue : value;

return value;

* Gets a sorted copy of the data array based on the state of the MatSort. Called
* after changes are made to the filtered data or when sort changes are emitted from MatSort.
* By default, the function retrieves the active sort and its direction and compares data
* by retrieving data using the sortingDataAccessor. May be overridden for a custom implementation
* of data ordering.
* @param data The array of data that should be sorted.
* @param sort The connected MatSort that holds the current sort state.
sortData: ((data: T[], sort: MatSort) => T[]) = (data: T[], sort: MatSort): T[] => {
const active =;
const direction = sort.direction;
if (!active || direction == '') { return data; }

return data.sort((a, b) => {
let valueA = this.sortingDataAccessor(a, active);
let valueB = this.sortingDataAccessor(b, active);

// If there are data in the column that can be converted to a number,
// it must be ensured that the rest of the data
// is of the same type so as not to order incorrectly.
const valueAType = typeof valueA;
const valueBType = typeof valueB;

if (valueAType !== valueBType) {
if (valueAType === 'number') { valueA += ''; }
if (valueBType === 'number') { valueB += ''; }

// If both valueA and valueB exist (truthy), then compare the two. Otherwise, check if
// one value exists while the other doesn't. In this case, existing value should come last.
// This avoids inconsistent results when comparing values to undefined/null.
// If neither value exists, return 0 (equal).
let comparatorResult = 0;
if (valueA != null && valueB != null) {
// Check if one value is greater than the other; if equal, comparatorResult should remain 0.
if (valueA > valueB) {
comparatorResult = 1;
} else if (valueA < valueB) {
comparatorResult = -1;
} else if (valueA != null) {
comparatorResult = 1;
} else if (valueB != null) {
comparatorResult = -1;

return comparatorResult * (direction == 'asc' ? 1 : -1);

* Checks if a data object matches the data source's filter string. By default, each data object
* is converted to a string of its properties and returns true if the filter has
* at least one occurrence in that string. By default, the filter string has its whitespace
* trimmed and the match is case-insensitive. May be overridden for a custom implementation of
* filter matching.
* @param data Data object used to check against the filter.
* @param filter Filter string that has been set on the data source.
* @returns Whether the filter matches against the data
filterPredicate: ((data: T, filter: string) => boolean) = (data: T, filter: string): boolean => {
// Transform the data into a lowercase string of all property values.
const dataStr = Object.keys(data).reduce((currentTerm: string, key: string) => {
// Use an obscure Unicode character to delimit the words in the concatenated string.
// This avoids matches where the values of two columns combined will match the user's query
// (e.g. `Flute` and `Stop` will match `Test`). The character is intended to be something
// that has a very low chance of being typed in by somebody in a text field. This one in
// particular is "White up-pointing triangle with dot" from
return currentTerm + (data as {[key: string]: any})[key] + '◬';
}, '').toLowerCase();

// Transform the filter by converting it to lowercase and removing whitespace.
const transformedFilter = filter.trim().toLowerCase();

return dataStr.indexOf(transformedFilter) != -1;

constructor(initialData: T[] = []) {
this._data = new BehaviorSubject<T[]>(initialData);

* Subscribe to changes that should trigger an update to the table's rendered rows. When the
* changes occur, process the current state of the filter, sort, and pagination along with
* the provided base data and send it to the table for rendering.
_updateChangeSubscription() {
// Sorting and/or pagination should be watched if MatSort and/or MatPaginator are provided.
// The events should emit whenever the component emits a change or initializes, or if no
// component is provided, a stream with just a null event should be provided.
// The `sortChange` and `pageChange` acts as a signal to the combineLatests below so that the
// pipeline can progress to the next step. Note that the value from these streams are not used,
// they purely act as a signal to progress in the pipeline.
const sortChange: Observable<Sort|null|void> = this._sort ?
merge(this._sort.sortChange, this._sort.initialized) as Observable<Sort|void> :
const pageChange: Observable<PageEvent|null|void> = this._paginator ?
) as Observable<PageEvent|void> :
const dataStream = this._data;
// Watch for base data or filter changes to provide a filtered set of data.
const filteredData = combineLatest([dataStream, this._filter])
.pipe(map(([data]) => this._filterData(data)));
// Watch for filtered data or sort changes to provide an ordered set of data.
const orderedData = combineLatest([filteredData, sortChange])
.pipe(map(([data]) => this._orderData(data)));
// Watch for ordered data or page changes to provide a paged set of data.
const paginatedData = combineLatest([orderedData, pageChange])
.pipe(map(([data]) => this._pageData(data)));
// Watched for paged data changes and send the result to the table to render.
this._renderChangesSubscription = paginatedData.subscribe(data =>;

* Returns a filtered data array where each filter object contains the filter string within
* the result of the filterTermAccessor function. If no filter is set, returns the data array
* as provided.
_filterData(data: T[]) {
// If there is a filter string, filter out data that does not contain it.
// Each data object is converted to a string using the function defined by filterTermAccessor.
// May be overridden for customization.
this.filteredData =
!this.filter ? data : data.filter(obj => this.filterPredicate(obj, this.filter));

if (this.paginator) { this._updatePaginator(this.filteredData.length); }

return this.filteredData;

* Returns a sorted copy of the data if MatSort has a sort applied, otherwise just returns the
* data array as provided. Uses the default data accessor for data lookup, unless a
* sortDataAccessor function is defined.
_orderData(data: T[]): T[] {
// If there is no active sort or direction, return the data without trying to sort.
if (!this.sort) { return data; }

return this.sortData(data.slice(), this.sort);

* Returns a paged slice of the provided data array according to the provided MatPaginator's page
* index and length. If there is no paginator provided, returns the data array as provided.
_pageData(data: T[]): T[] {
if (!this.paginator) { return data; }

const startIndex = this.paginator.pageIndex * this.paginator.pageSize;
return data.slice(startIndex, startIndex + this.paginator.pageSize);

* Updates the paginator to reflect the length of the filtered data, and makes sure that the page
* index does not exceed the paginator's last page. Values are changed in a resolved promise to
* guard against making property changes within a round of change detection.
_updatePaginator(filteredDataLength: number) {
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
const paginator = this.paginator;

if (!paginator) { return; }

paginator.length = filteredDataLength;

// If the page index is set beyond the page, reduce it to the last page.
if (paginator.pageIndex > 0) {
const lastPageIndex = Math.ceil(paginator.length / paginator.pageSize) - 1 || 0;
const newPageIndex = Math.min(paginator.pageIndex, lastPageIndex);

if (newPageIndex !== paginator.pageIndex) {
paginator.pageIndex = newPageIndex;

// Since the paginator only emits after user-generated changes,
// we need our own stream so we know to should re-render the data.;

* Used by the MatTable. Called when it connects to the data source.
* @docs-private
connect() { return this._renderData; }

* Used by the MatTable. Called when it is destroyed. No-op.
* @docs-private
disconnect() { }

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