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action: blocked
action: blocked
The action is blocked by something, such as an upstream update, or an announcement
action: cleanup
action: cleanup
The PR is in need of cleanup, either due to needing a rebase or in response to comments from reviews
action: global presubmit
action: global presubmit
The PR is in need of a google3 global presubmit
action: merge
action: merge
The PR is ready for merge by the caretaker
action: presubmit
action: presubmit
The PR is in need of a google3 presubmit
action: review
action: review
The PR is still awaiting reviews from at least one requested reviewer
area: build & ci
area: build & ci
Related the build and CI infrastructure of the project
area: docs
area: docs
Related to the documentation
area: performance
area: performance
Issues related to performance
blocked on esm
blocked on esm
code health
code health
comp: build
comp: build
comp: docs
comp: docs
Pull requests that update a dependency file
detected: breaking change
detected: breaking change
PR contains a commit with a breaking change
detected: deprecation
detected: deprecation
PR contains a commit with a deprecation
detected: feature
detected: feature
PR contains a feature commit
domain: build
domain: build
domain: caretaking
domain: caretaking
domain: ci
domain: ci
domain: conformance
domain: conformance
domain: google3
domain: google3
domain: issue automation
domain: issue automation
domain: local dev
domain: local dev
domain: metrics
domain: metrics
domain: misc
domain: misc
domain: pr automation
domain: pr automation
domain: release automation
domain: release automation