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Angular Gulp Boilerplate

Clean Angular 1.6 boilerplate with basic Gulp tasks designed to automate your daily development routine such as templates, scripts, styles and translations concatenation, uglification and minimisation.

As a result your entire Angular project will be compiled to five files (index.html, app.js and vendor.js, app.css and vendor.css), translations files and source maps if needed.

What you will get?

Angular npm Gulp Bower SASS ESLint Browsersync Normalize Autoprefixer UI-Router angular-translate

Angular 1.6 with UI-Router and angular-translate, automated services injecting by ng-annotate, gathering HTML templates into $templateCache and making source maps for debug.

SASS compiler with Autoprefixer and making source maps for development and production versions, Normalize.css.

ESLint with Angular plugin for code linting.

Bower and Wiredep for automated injecting vendor dependencies.

Browsersync for comfortable development and live reloading.

HTML, JS and CSS concatenation, uglification, minimisation and adding hash like app-442e02212b.js to avoid caching for production version.

Dynamic internationalization and localization with translation files separated by the components. Gulp tasks can help you with translation files concatenation that will be used dynamically by angular-translate. angular-i18n and angular-dynamic-locale implements native dynamic Angular localization.

Quick start


Boilerplate needs npm and bower to work. For running gulp tasks from command line, install it globally:

npm install -g gulp-cli bower


Clone repository from GitHub:

git clone NewProject

Jump into NewProject directory and install npm + bower dependencies:

cd NewProject
npm install && bower install

And that's it! Now, you can use gulp task to check if everything is awesome:

gulp serve

Your default browser will be launched at http://localhost:3000 serving your project.

Gulp tasks


  • gulp default - Clean used directories and build production version ready to deploy.
  • gulp serve - Build project, start watching for all changes and serve it using Browsersync.


  • gulp build - Build production version ready to deploy.
  • gulp build-app - Build production version of app only, without assets.
  • gulp clean - Clean distribution and temporary directories.
  • gulp fonts - Copy and flatten fonts from Bower packages to distribution dir.
  • gulp inject - Inject scripts and styles into HTML entry.
  • gulp inject:reload - Start inject task and launch Browsersync reloading after.
  • gulp locales - Build locales.
  • gulp locales-angular - Build Angular locales only.
  • gulp locales-angular:dist - Build Angular locales only to distribution dir.
  • gulp locales:dist - Build locales to distribution dir.
  • gulp locales:watch - Build locales and watch for changes.
  • gulp other - Copy various not handled stuff to distribution dir.
  • gulp partials - Create template cache from HTML partials.
  • gulp scripts - Build scripts.
  • gulp scripts:watch - Build scripts and watch for changes.
  • gulp serve:dist - Build production version and serve it using Browsersync.
  • gulp styles - Build styles.
  • gulp styles:watch - Build styles and watch for changes.
  • gulp watch - Build project and watch for all changes.