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How To Verify Yourself

Anjan Nair edited this page Sep 5, 2022 · 3 revisions

Why Verification Is Good

Verification isn't required to be in the guild, but its purpose is to prevent identity theft. Connect Discord identity to your account on devRant by following a simple procedure, so everybody is clear that there is no imposter that uses one another's name.

⚠️ - While the procedure remains the same, instead of typing out *verify use the slash command /verify, as required by Discord API v13

Great! What is the procedure?

  1. Make sure your display name (server nickname or Discord username) matches one on devRant.
  2. Type *verify in the #spam channel and you will receive a verification token from the bot.
  3. Post a comment with this token in our collab or rather anywhere on devRant but it is your latest comment.
  4. Type done or react on the ✅ emoji sent by the bot

You are good to go!!

Umm... I still didn't get it?

Here is a video that may provide a better perspective. The verification video