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Releases: anjaustin/encrypted-data-at-rest

v0.1.9-alpha - Initial Public Release

16 Jan 04:40
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v0.1.8-alpha - Initial Public Release

15 Jan 04:37
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Release v0.1.8-alpha

Usage Information

I've added a comprehensive usage section at the beginning of the script, providing clear instructions on how to run it, the required elevated privileges, and the necessary dependencies. Users can now refer to the usage information for a quick guide on executing the script.

Improved Logging

Enhanced logging capabilities have been implemented. Users can now enable DEBUG mode by setting the DEBUG environment variable to 1. The script logs detailed information about its execution, making it easier to troubleshoot any issues. And log files are stored in /var/log/edar_drive_setup by default.

How to Upgrade:

To upgrade to this release, download the latest version from the GitHub repository: Release v0.1.8-alpha. Replace your existing script with the updated version, and you're ready to go!


Your feedback is invaluable! If you encounter any issues, have suggestions, or want to contribute, please visit our GitHub repository: Encrypted Data at Rest. We appreciate your support in making this tool better with each release.

New Feature: Non-Interactive Mode coming in v0.2.0!

Introducing a significant enhancement in the next release – the non-interactive mode! Users will have the flexibility to run the script in a more automated manner by providing command-line options for various parameters, or via a config.yml file.

Good LUKS!

Full Changelog: v0.1.7-alpha...v0.1.8-alpha

v0.1.7-alpha - Initial Public Alpha Release

15 Jan 00:56
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v0.1.7-alpha - Initial Public Alpha Release

Welcome to the initial public alpha release of! This script facilitates the creation of encrypted storage drives at rest using LUKS encryption. Please note that this is an alpha release, and while it provides core functionality, it may still undergo further development and refinement.

Key Features:

  • Select a drive from a list of available drives.
  • Choose a file system type (ext4, xfs, btrfs, f2fs, zfs, vfat).
  • Format, encrypt, and mount the selected drive using the chosen file system.
  • Optionally update user's ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_logout for automating drive unlock/lock.
  • Provides error handling and exits gracefully on user cancellation or failure.

How to Use:

  1. Make sure the script is executable: chmod +x
  2. Run the script in the terminal: ./
  3. Follow the prompts to select a drive, choose a file system, and confirm the formatting process.


  • ZFS support is currently a placeholder and requires additional steps.


This script involves drive formatting and encryption. Use it at your own risk, and make sure to back up important data before proceeding. The author is not responsible for any data loss or issues caused by the use of this script.


Your feedback is valuable! Please report any issues or suggest improvements on the GitHub repository.

Thank you for trying out the alpha release! Your insights and contributions are appreciated as we work towards refining and enhancing this tool.