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Complete JavaScript repo

1 basics

  • topics such as - variable, Datatype, operators, comparison operators, strings, numbers and maths, date and time
  • Array and objects
  • functions, scopes, arrow function, iife

2 control flow

  • if, else, switch, truth and falsy

3 iterators

  • important topics like: for loop, while loop, do while loop
  • more important iterators such as: for of, for in, for each loops
  • Advance concepts like: filter, map, reduce, chaining


-getElementById, getElementByClass, querySelector,etc.

  • children and child nodes
  • createElement
  • createTextNode
  • append child
  • innerHTML, outerHTML, innerText

4 projects

  • color switcher, BMI, Number guessing

5 events

  • event Listener, e parameter, .target, remove target

6 asynchronous Javascript

  • setTimeOut, clearTimeOut

7 more projects

  • unlimited color, keyless info

8 promises

  • resolve, reject, .then, .catch, .finally, chaining of each, try and catch, async await

9 OOPs

  • Object literals, new and constructor
  • function as object, string as object, everything is object
  • prototype
  • inheritance, proto, setPrototypeOf
  • .call
  • class, inheritance in class, static property
  • bind
  • can we change constant, define Property, getOwnPropertyDescriptors
  • getters and setters

10 lexical scoping and closures

  • inside and outside function variable access, scoping,closures with real life examples


This is a code repo for Javascript series learning






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