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README for Physionet Project "ICD9 Coding of Discharge Summaries"

When using the file in this project, please cite the following publication:

Perotte A, Pivovarov R, Natarajan K, Weiskopf N, Wood F, Elhadad N. J Am Med Inform Assoc. to appear. doi:10.1136/amiajnl-2013-002159


Table of contents:

I. Prerequisites
II. Raw dataset description
III. Data preparation
IV. Hierarchical and flat SVM training and testing
V. Evaluation
VI. License


I. Prerequisites

This project was created and tested on a system with the following software installed:

Ubuntu 13.10 64-bit
Kernel 3.11.0-13
Python 2.7.5+

Also, the following python libraries are required.  Versions are
listed, but later versions should also suffice.

numpy 1.7.1
svmlight 0.4
matplotlib 1.2.1
scipy 0.12.0

The svmlight library is available (as 11/20/13) here,, but is also included in
this package under the svmlight directory.

II. Raw dataset description

There are 2 files that constitute the raw files for this project:


MIMIC_RAW_DSUMS is a flat file containing all of the discharge
summaries from MIMIC II version 2.6. This is a pipe delimited file
containing the following columns:


ICD-9_v9.xml is an xml file containing version 9 of the ICD9
hierarchy.  This file was obtained from the NCBO BioPortal at

III. Data preparation

There exists a script in the data/ directory called
"".  This script takes several optional arguments,
but if you do not have a replacement stopword list, corpus, or icd9
tree, then it can be called without any parameters and the defaults
will be assumed. This script will create many files, some of which
will be needed by the scripts in later steps and others which are
generally useful but not used in the pipeline.  The following is a
description of the files created by this script:

MIMIC_vocabulary2 - A list of terms used in modeling the documents.
All other terms are discarded when constructing the final datasets

documents that do not contain any of the terms in the vocabulary are

MIMIC_term_counts2 - Converts the text portion of the documents in
MIMIC_FILTERED_DSUMS into a sparse format.  This is a comma separated
list of term_index:term_count pairs for the document.

ICD9_descriptions - Descriptions for each of the ICD9 codes for all
ICD9 codes.

ICD9_parent_child_relations - The parent child relationships for all
ICD9 codes.

ICD9_parent_child_relations_no_proc - The parent child relationships
for non-procedural ICD9 codes.

ICD9_descriptions_no_proc - Descriptions for all non-procedural ICD9

MIMIC_ICD9_mapping - Mapping between the ICD9 codes and indices that
will later be used to index the ICD9 codes.

MIMIC_parentTochild - The parent child reltionships for ICD9 codes
actually used in the MIMIC dataset.

MIMIC_ICD9_codes_no_ancestors - A dataset of only ICD9 codes for the
MIMIC dataset (from MIMIC_FILTERED_DSUMS) that are actually

MIMIC_ICD9_codes - A dataset of only ICD9 codes for the MIMIC datasest
augmented with the ancestors of each documented code. - A training dataset of text that contains some of
the rows from MIMIC_term_counts2.  The default split is 90% training,
10% testing. - A testing dataset of text that contains some of
the rows from MIMIC_term_counts2. - A training dataset of codes (augmented with
ancestors) to match the documents in - A testing dataset of codes (augmented with
ancestors) to match the documents in - A training dataset of codes (not augmented
with ancestors) to match the documents in - A testing dataset of codes (not augmented with
ancestors) to match the documents in - The indices of the training documents. These
would be useful to identify the training documents in another file
(for example, MIMIC_FILTERED_DSUMS). - The indices of the testing documents.

Instructions for its usage are as follows:

usage: [-h] [-raw_text RAW_TEXT] [-raw_icd9 RAW_ICD9]
                             [-stopwords STOPWORDS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -raw_text RAW_TEXT    File location of the Physionet project raw text.
  -raw_icd9 RAW_ICD9    File location containing the Physionet project raw
                        icd9 code file.
  -stopwords STOPWORDS  File location containing the stopword file.

Verify that the file named ROOT that is created in this directory
contains the number 5367.  If not, you will have to pass the number
contained here as an argument to the subsequent scripts.

IV. Hierarchical and flat SVM training and testing

There exist 2 scripts for training and testing the hierarchical SVM
and 2 scripts for training and testing the flat SVM for this task.

The 2 scripts for the hierarchical SVM are called and  Again, there is no need to pass this script any
parameters unless you would like to customize the workflow.

To replicate the results of the Perotte et al. paper, first run then followed by and then and create each create files
that contain their respective predictions ( and  These files will be important later for the
purposes of evaluating the performance of each of these classifiers.

The documentation for is as follows:


usage: [-h] [-training_text TRAINING_TEXT]
                     [-training_codes TRAINING_CODES] [-ICD9_tree ICD9_TREE]
                     [-output_directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY] [-I I] [-root ROOT]
                     [-D D]

Train Hierarchical SVM Model.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -training_text TRAINING_TEXT
                        File location containing training text.
  -training_codes TRAINING_CODES
                        File location containing training codes.
  -ICD9_tree ICD9_TREE  File location containing the ICD9 codes.
  -output_directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
                        Directory to save svm model files to.
  -I I                  Total number of ICD9 codes. Default=7042
  -root ROOT            Index of the root ICD9 code. Default=5367
  -D D                  Number of training documents. Default=20533


The documentation for is as follows:


usage: [-h] [-testing_text TESTING_TEXT] [-ICD9_tree ICD9_TREE]
                    [-output_predictions_file OUTPUT_PREDICTIONS_FILE]
                    [-classifier_directory CLASSIFIER_DIRECTORY] [-I I]
                    [-root ROOT] [-D D]

Test Hierarchical SVM Model.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -testing_text TESTING_TEXT
                        File location containing testing text.
  -ICD9_tree ICD9_TREE  File location containing the ICD9 codes.
  -output_predictions_file OUTPUT_PREDICTIONS_FILE
                        File to save predictions to.
  -classifier_directory CLASSIFIER_DIRECTORY
                        Directory trained SVMs were saved to.
  -I I                  Total number of ICD9 codes. Default=7042
  -root ROOT            Index of the root ICD9 code. Default=5367
  -D D                  Number of testing documents. Default=2282


The documentation for and are similar and
can by seen by running the following commands at the command line:

./ -h
./ -h

V. Evaluation

There exists a file named that takes two
arguments.  These arguments are the predictions file generated in the
previous step for one of the classifiers and the output_directory
where the generated evaluation figures should be saved.

For those wishing to evaluate the predictions of externally generated
predictions.  The format of the predictions is a pipe delimited file,
one line for each document, with the icd9 code indices predicted for a
given document on a line.  The indices for the icd9 codes can be found
in the generated file data/MIMIC_ICD9_mapping.  This file would have
been generated in step II as a result of running the script.

This script will print both the tree sensitive and exact match
sensitivity/recall, precision, and f-measure for the dataset being
evaluated.  Also, figures for the novel tree-based evaluation metrics
will be saved in the provided output directory and the raw data for
these figures will also be printed to standard output.

The following is the documentation for the usage of hte script.

usage: [-h]
                               [-testing_codes_with_ancestors TESTING_CODES_WITH_ANCESTORS]
                               [-testing_codes_no_ancestors TESTING_CODES_NO_ANCESTORS]
                               [-ICD9_tree ICD9_TREE] [-I I] [-root ROOT]
                               [-D D]
                               predictions_file output_directory

Test Hierarchical SVM Model.

positional arguments:
  predictions_file      File to load predictions from.
  output_directory      Directory to save figure to.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -testing_codes_with_ancestors TESTING_CODES_WITH_ANCESTORS
                        File location containing testing codes that have been
                        augmented with ancestor codes.
  -testing_codes_no_ancestors TESTING_CODES_NO_ANCESTORS
                        File location containing testing codes without
  -ICD9_tree ICD9_TREE  File location containing the ICD9 codes.
  -I I                  Total number of ICD9 codes. Default=7042
  -root ROOT            Index of the root ICD9 code. Default=5367
  -D D                  Number of testing documents. Default=2282

VI. License

This software is free only for non-commercial use. It must not be
distributed without prior permission of the author. The author is not
responsible for implications from the use of this software.

This code is provided under a dual license.  The GNU General Public
License (GPL-3.0) for academic and other open source uses and a
commercial license.  Please contact the author for more information
about commercial licensing.

Copyright (c) 2013, Adler Perotte
All rights reserved.

The text of the GNU General Public License that applies to this
software can be found here:


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