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CakePHP 2.x Generate PDF files plugin

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Generate PDF files with the CakePHP

This plugin provides next features:

  • Generate PDF files


  1. Install the Plugin using composer: composer require anklimsk/cakephp2-tcpdf

  2. Add the next line to the end of the file app/Config/bootstrap.php:

    CakePlugin::load('CakeTCPDF', ['bootstrap' => true, 'routes' => true]);

Using this plugin

  1. In your Model:

    • Create the following methods:

      public function getExportConfig() {
          $header = [__('Field label 1'), __('Field label 2'), __('Field label 3'), __('Field label 4')];
          $width = [35, 20, 10, 15];
          $align = ['L', 'L', 'C', 'R'];
          $fileName = __('Export file');
          return compact('header', 'width', 'align', 'fileName');
      public function getExportData($conditions = []) {
          $result = [
              'Group header (List name)' => [
                  'Sub header' => [
                          'Field value 1',
                          'Field value 2',
                          'Field value 3',
                          'Field value 4',
          return $result;
  2. In your Controller:

    • Add the RequestHandler component to AppController, and map pdf to the CakeTCPDF plugin, e.g.:

      public $components = [
          'RequestHandler' => [
              'viewClassMap' => [
                  'pdf' => 'CakeTCPDF.Pdf'
    • Add to your controller action:

      public export($id = null) {
          if (!$this->RequestHandler->prefers('pdf')) {
              throw new BadRequestException(__('Invalid export type');
          $conditions = [];
          if (!empty($id)) {
              $conditions[''] = $id;
          $exportConfig = $this->Model->getExportConfig();
          $exportData = $this->Model->getExportData();
          $this->set(compact('exportConfig', 'exportData'));
  3. In your View:

    • Create a link to the a action with the extension .pdf, e.g.:

      $this->Html->link('PDF file', ['ext' => 'pdf']);
    • Place the View templates in the subdirectory Pdf, e.g.: app/View/Invoices/Pdf/index.ctp

    • Use the CakeTCPDF.exportPdfTable element in your View file, e.g.:

      if (!empty($exportConfig)) {
      if (!isset($orientation)) {
          $orientation = PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION;
      if (isset($fileName)) {
      $this->tcpdf->setPageOrientation($orientation, TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
      $this->tcpdf->options['footerText'] = $this->tcpdf->getAliasNumPage();
      // set font
      $this->tcpdf->SetFont(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, 'B', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA);
      // set default font subsetting mode
      //set margins
      $this->tcpdf->SetMargins(PDF_MARGIN_LEFT, PDF_MARGIN_TOP, PDF_MARGIN_RIGHT);
      echo $this->element('CakeTCPDF.exportPdfTable', compact('exportConfig', 'exportData'));
    • Use the CakeTCPDF.exportPdfTableContent element in your View file, e.g.:

      echo $this->element('CakeTCPDF.exportPdfTableContent', compact('exportConfig'));