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How eslisp macros work (a tutorial)

Macros are functions that only exist at compile-time. You define them a little differently, but call them the same way as normal functions. They can execute whatever logic you want, and their return values become program code at the point where they're called.

The basics

Here's a macro in JavaScript which returns code for declaring a variable of a given name with the value "hello":

module.exports = function (name) {
    return [{ atom : '=' }, name, 'hello'];

What it does is probably becoming clear to you without explanation, but let's say it just in case. The returned array becomes a list, the returned object becomes an atom, the string becomes (surprise) still a string, and whatever is in the name argument is plugged in between.

It's basically a template for code of the form (var <something-goes-here> "hello").

Let's save that in declareAsHello.js and require it from eslisp code somewhere in the same directory, so we can talk through what's happening:

; Construct a macro by binding the function to a name.
; The `macro` constructor expects to be given 2 arguments:
;  - a name for the macro
;  - something that evaluates to a function
(macro declareAsHello (require "declareAsHello.js"))

; Call it with its name, with the atom `yo` as an argument.
; Yes, it looks just like a function call.  This is on purpose.
; Its result gets translated to code and put here.
(declareAsHello yo)

The compiler evaluates the (require "declareAsHello.js"), checks it got a function and saves it as a macro under the given name. When that macro is called with the yo atom, the compiler converts it the JS object { atom : "yo" } and calls the stored function with it.

The function then runs, returning this array:

[{ atom : '=' }, { atom : "yo" }, 'hello']

The compiler reads the objects as atoms and the array as a list, and adds the result into the code at that point. So it's as if you'd written (var yo "hello). That compiles to JavaScript to become

var yo = 'hello';


We could of course have written the macro function in eslisp instead:

(= (. module exports)
   (lambda (name) (return (array (object atom "=") name "hello"))))

That compiles to the same JS before. You can write macros in any language you want, as long as you can compile it to JS before require-ing it from eslisp.

Eslisp has special syntax for making macros super pretty though, so let's talk about that next:

Prettier macros with quasiquote

To make macros clearer to read, eslisp has special syntax for returning stuff that represents code. Let's rewrite the previous hello-assigning macro:

(= (. module exports) (lambda (name) (return `(= ,name "hello"))))

That does exactly the same thing, but it contains less of the array/object fluff, so it's clearer to read. The array constructor is replaced with a ` (backtick). The = atom no longer needs to be written explicitly as (object atom =) and there's now a , (comma) before name.

In various other Lisp family languages that eslisp is inspired by, the backtick is called a quasiquote and the comma is called unquote. There's a lot of historical weight behind them and they're pretty good names, so let's roll with them.

Quasiquote (`) means "I want the following thing to represent code". Inside it, everything is treated as if it were code. Unquote inside a quasiquote means "…except this", so unquoted things get inserted as-is.

In fact, the above thing using quasiquote and unquote compiles to

module.exports = function (name) {
    return Array.prototype.concat([{ atom: '=' }], [name], ['hello']);

Unquote (,) also has a cousin called unquote-splicing ,@ which can insert an array of stuff all at once.

For example, if you want to create a shorthand mean for calculating the mean of some numbers, you could do

(macro mean
 (lambda ()
  ; convert arguments to Array
  (var args ((. Array prototype slice call) arguments 0))
  (var total (. args length))
  (return `(/ (+ ,@args) ,total))))

(mean 1 2 3) ; call it

which effectively creates the eslisp code (/ (+ 1 2 3) 3) that compiles to JS as (1 + (2 + 3)) / 3;

If we had used the plain unquote (,) instead of unquote-splicing (,@), we'd have gotten (/ (+ (1 2 3)) 3) which would compile to nonsense JS, as 1 isn't a function.

If you don't want to use quasiquote/` & co., and think it's clearer for your use-case to just return arrays and objects, you can always do that.



If you don't like the names of predefined macros, or you for any reason want to use a different name, you can pass two identifiers to macro to alias the second to the first.

(macro plus +)
(plus 0 1)
0 + 1;

Nesting, redefinition and masking

Redefinition of a macro masks the older one.

Macros can be defined wherever eslisp expects multiple expressions or statements. For example, in a function expression's body. Macros defined in inner scopes like that go out of scope (as in, disappear) at the end of that list.

; Define at root scope
(macro one (lambda () (return '1)))

(lambda ()
  ; Redefine the macro in an inner scope
  (macro one (lambda () (return '1.1))) ; "very large value of 1"

  ((. console log) (one)))

((. console log) (one))
(function () {

You can also deliberately mask a macro with nothing, which means that macro is treated as if it didn't exist. This likewise persists only at the current nesting level.

(macro ninja (lambda () (return `stealthMode))) ; define macro
(if seriousBusiness                               ; in inner scope...
    (block (macro ninja)                          ;   mask it
           (ninja)))                              ;   function call
(ninja)                                           ; macro call
if (seriousBusiness) {

Using macros inside macros

Macros defined with macro do not capture user-defined macros—they effectively exist in a new, independent scope.

; Define a macro "ok".
(macro ok (lambda () (return 'null)))

; Define a non-capturing macro that expects "ok" not to be defined.
(macro callOk (lambda (x)
  (return `(ok)))) ; expects this to compile to calling a function "ok"

; Which it does, despite a macro "ok" being defined!

This is to prevent unexpected results when definitions of macros affect the return valus of later defined ones (which were perhaps defined in another module by another person).

If you deliberately do want the environment to be captured, just use capmacro instead. This works exactly the same way as macro but doesn't reset the macro environment.

; Define a macro "ok".C
(macro ok (lambda () (return 'null)))

; Define a capturing macro.
(capmacro callOk (lambda (x)
  (return `(ok)))) ; expects this to compile to calling the macro "ok"
                   ; (NOT the function "ok"!)

; Which it does, because the macro "ok" was captured.

In summary: Use macro, except when you know you need capmacro.

Transform macros

If you want to wrap a whole file in a macro (or many macros) and do some radical global transformations, that's what the compiler's --transform/-t flag is about.

Transform macros are written just like any other macro, but when specified like that from the command line (e.g. eslc -t eslisp-propertify), they're each run in a separate compilation environment, so they can't interfere with each other and don't unnecessarily stick around in the macro table.

For examples of how to write them, check out eslisp-camelify or eslisp-propertify.

Macro helpers (stuff in this)

When macros are called, the function associated with them is called with a particular this-context, such that the this object contains properties with various handy helper functions:


Allows you to return multiple expressions or statements from a macro. Just call it with multiple arguments and return that.

(macro incrementTwice
 (lambda (x) (return ((. this multi) `(++ ,x) `(++ ,x)))))

(incrementTwice hello)

compiles to



Lets you compile and run eslisp code at compile-time.

For example, you might want to pre-compute some expression.

(macro precompute
 (lambda (list) (return `,((. this evaluate) list))))

(precompute (+ 1 2 (* 5 (. Math PI))))

compiles to


There are much subtler uses for it than that though…


Generates a new atom with a unique name (a UUID, actually). Every call to this.gensym produces a unique name.

Good for when you just need a unique name for some "scratch" variable that shouldn't conflict with anything else.

; Generate the assignments needed to swap the values of two variables
(macro swap
 (lambda (varA varB)
  (var swapVar ((. this gensym))) ; Generate a new symbol we can use
  (return ((. this multi)

           ; Save a's value in the swap variable
           `(var ,swapVar a)

           ; Assign b's value to a
           `(= a b)

           ; Assign the swap variable's value to b
           `(= b ,swapVar)))))
(swap x y)
var $779e98ee_d2cf_413c_b608_c0aa93722ef4 = a;
a = b;
b = $779e98ee_d2cf_413c_b608_c0aa93722ef4;

A lot like Common Lisp's gensym.


Answers the question of "Would this compile to an expression?". As opposed to a statement, that is.

Handy for things like writing a macro that lets you define functions that implicitly return the last thing in their bodies if it's an expression.

(macro fn (lambda ()
  (var args ((. Array prototype slice call) arguments))
  (var fnArgs (. args 0))
  (var fnBody ((. args slice) 1))

  (var lastInBody ((. fnBody pop))) ; pop off last thing in body

  (var lastConverted
   (?: ((. this isExpr) lastInBody) ; if it's an expression
       `(return ,lastInBody)        ; convert it to a return statement
       lastInBody))                 ; otherwise just return it as-is

  ((. fnBody push) lastConverted) ; push the maybe-converted thing back on

  ; return the function definition
  (return `(lambda ,fnArgs ,@fnBody))))

(fn (a b) (+ a b))
(function (a, b) {
    return a + b;