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This repository is the official implementation of pig object and silhouette detection used in the paper:

An, L., Ren, J., Yu, T., Hai, T., Jia, Y., &Liu, Y. Three-dimensional surface motion capture of multiple freely moving pigs using MAMMAL. biorxiv (2022).

[project] [paper]

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These code was tested on Ubuntu 20.04 (or Ubuntu 18.04), python3.6, NVIDIA TITAN X (or NVIDIA GeForce 1080Ti, NVIDIA RTX 2080Ti), pytorch >= 1.4.0. We recommend to use anaconda to mange virtual environments. Specifically, after installing anaconda, create a virtual environment by

conda create -n PIG_MASK python=3.6
conda activate PIG_MASK

Then, install the newest pytorch by

conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch

Note that, change cuda version to your own local cuda version. Older version (>=1.4.0) are also compatible. You should also install some other packages like

pip install opencv-python 

Install Detectron2

As this project is based on PointRend (built upon detectron2), you need to download the detectron2 and install it. We used an old version of detectron2 (v0.2), however, higher version may also work (we did not test). Lower version (v0.1.3) has been tested and works well.

git clone
cd detectron2 
git checkout v0.2
python -m pip install -e .

Here, we denote the detectron2 folder path as ${DETECTRON2_PATH}.

Train and Test PointRend

  1. Download the BamaPig2D dataset and uncompress it. Denote the dataset path as ${BamaPig2D_path}.
  2. Copy, and to ${DETECTRON2_PATH}/projects/PointRend/. Copy config file pointrend_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x_coco-pig.yaml to ${DETECTRON2_PATH}/projects/PointRend/configs/InstanceSegmentation/. Download resnet-50_FPN_3x weights pretrained on ImageNet from detectron2 ModelZoo. Or you can simply download my copy from Google Drive or Baidu Drive (extract code: vuic). After downloading, you will get a R-50.pkl file, and put it under ${DETECTRON2_PATH}/projects/PointRend/.
  3. Go to ${DETECTRON2_PATH}/projects/PointRend/ and run
cd ${DETECTRON2_PATH}/projects/PointRend/
--config-file configs/InstanceSegmentation/pointrend_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x_coco-pig.yaml \
--dataset_path ${BamaPig2D_path}

Don't forget to replace ${BamaPig2D_path} and ${DETECTRON2_PATH} to your own path. By default, the trained model and log will be saved at output/ folder. You can change that by modifying pointrend_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x_coco-pig.yaml.

The training process may take 5 days on single NVIDIA GeForce 1080Ti. 4. After training, it will give you the evaluation results automatically. However, if you want to run evaluation independently, you can run

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --config-file output/config.yaml \
--dataset_path ${BamaPig2D_path}

Test on Pretraind Model

You can download the pretrained weights ( from Google Drive or Baidu Drive (extract code: iyb8). Then, unzip it and put the folder to ${DETECTRON2_PATH}/projects/PointRend/ as ${DETECTRON2_PATH}/projects/PointRend/output_20210225/. The run test file

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --config-file output_20210225/config.yaml \
--dataset_path ${BamaPig2D_path}

Demo on BamaPig3D Dataset

  1. Download the BamaPig3D dataset, and the dataset path is denoted as ${data3d_path}.
  2. Prepare pretrained model following the above instruction.
  3. In ${DETECTRON2_PATH}/projects/PointRend/, just run
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --config-file output_20210225/config.yaml \
--data3d_path ${data3d_path} \
--write_dir ./BamaPig3D_result/

It will write bounding boxes to ./BamaPig3D_result/boxes_pr/ and silhouettes to ./BamaPig3D_result/masks_pr/. The results should be same to that provided in BamaPig3D dataset. Do not forget to change ${data3d_path} to your own BamaPig3D path.


If you use this code in your research, please cite the paper

    author = {An, Liang and Ren, Jilong and Yu, Tao and Jia, Yichang and Liu, Yebin},
    title = {Three-dimensional surface motion capture of multiple freely moving pigs using MAMMAL},
    booktitle = {biorxiv},
    month = {July},
    year = {2022}

  title={{PointRend}: Image Segmentation as Rendering},
  author={Alexander Kirillov and Yuxin Wu and Kaiming He and Ross Girshick},
  journal={IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},



Pig silhouette detection (PointRend) used by MAMMAL.







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