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🎉 Welcome to My GitHub Profile! 👋

Hello, I'm Christian — a dedicated and passionate software developer from Germany. 🇩🇪

📝 Latest Blog Posts 📘

🔍 Check out my latest insights and explorations in software development:

I now try to write regularly about my experiences and insights in software development. 🖊️
👉 Visit my blog to read all my posts!

About Me 🚀

My journey into the world of technology began at an early age. At 10, I was introduced to my first computer, marking the start of my fascination with software and its limitless possibilities. This curiosity wasn't just about playing games; it was about understanding and eventually manipulating the digital world around me. 🌐

Early Explorations 🔍

My initial foray into programming began with a desire to understand how online gamers manipulated games. This curiosity led me to learn C++ and .NET technologies. My first projects were simple—combining code snippets from the internet to alter game mechanics. Although rudimentary, these projects laid the foundation for my understanding of software development.

Continuous Learning 📚

Since writing my first program, I've learned every common programming language through thousands of experiments and small projects. Each project, even those that ended up in the trash, significantly deepened my understanding of programming.

Professional Challenges 💼

During my "Ausbildung" (vocational training), I quickly surpassed the knowledge level of my colleagues. However, challenging workplace dynamics and management changes led me to manage the IT department with minimal support. This experience, while overwhelming, was invaluable. Eventually, I sought new opportunities, moving to a company that provided a great work environment until it had to downsize significantly.

9elements and Beyond 🌟

Joining 9elements was a turning point, providing an ideal work environment that made it hard to imagine working elsewhere. However, life changes and the shift to remote work during the pandemic led me to explore other opportunities, including a role as CTO to build a company and develop software according to my vision. Unfortunately, this role did not meet expectations, leaving me underappreciated and overextended.

Looking Ahead 🔭

Currently, I am exploring the possibility of becoming self-employed, leveraging my extensive experience and passion for creating innovative software solutions. This new chapter is both exciting and daunting, but I am ready for the challenge.