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Electron in Docker Starter for multiple platforms

This provides examples for how to run Electron in Docker (via electron-builder & Vue, using vue-cli-electron-builder).

Included are example scripts for building/running containers for Linux (tested Ubuntu) (linux/amd64) and Intel Macs, as well as the Mac M1 (Apple Silicon, linux/amd64).

This is really just a jumping off point to get an idea of how to iron out some of the Electron-Docker idiosyncrasies (x11-forwarding, not-straightforward Electron dependencies, etc.).

Included Platforms

Target OS Architecture Run Flag
Linux linux/amd64 --linux-amd
macOS (M1) linux/arm64 --macos-arm
macOS (Intel) linux/amd64 --macos-amd

Build & Run

To build container images, run the following with the appropriate command based on the above table.

cd view

./docker/ <flag>

Publish to Github

  1. Set GH_TOKEN in .env

  2. Update version number in package.json (vX.Y.Z)

  3. source ./

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