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Droid Finder (aka 'Mastermind')

Find 'em HERE!

Are these the droids you're looking for?

As an Imperial Stormtrooper, your task (of paramount importance) is to find a set of unique droids somewhere in the galaxy. These droids must also be presented to your Sith authority in a specific order. You'll have only a few chances to guess the correct droid "code", and to determine their unique order. Thankfully, you'll also be given hints that aren't subject to Jedi obfuscation.

Welcome Screen

Welcome Imperial Mastermind!


Wireframe for welcome and play area

Gameplay Componentry

Play Area - Selectable droids along the top, "guess area" immediately below

Let's play!

  • Selectable Droids: A subset of droids to choose from when formulating a guess at the final "code". Depending on the difficulty setting of the game, you'll have 5 - 8 droids to include in your guesses.

  • N-Droid "Code": Depending on the difficulty setting of the game, you'll have either a 4- or 5-droid "code" to break.

  • Result Markers: After the submission of each guess - A BLACK peg will be displayed to represent each correct droid in the correct position, a WHITE peg will be displayed to represent each correct droid in the wrong position, and a CIRCLED X will be displayed to represent each incorrect droid.

  • NOTE about Result Markers: The result markers do NOT correspond to the position of the droid in the guess submission, each peg only represents "the existence of" or "the absence of" a particular droid in a given guess

Hmmm, ok. Summary please?

Level Code Length Selectable Droids Rounds (Guesses)
Easy 4 5 8
Medium 4 6 10
Hard 5 8 12

Functional Summary

Droids! Droids! Droids!

  • droidsAll: A collection of droid objects; Each droid is identified by a droidKey and has an associated name and image attribute.
  • selectableDroids: For each new game, a set of selectable droids is randomly picked from droidsAll. Subsequently, a random final "code" is generated from the set of selectable droids.

Game Interface

  • droid-home: A fixed "menu" where the selectable droids would like to live happily ever after
  • play-area: A column that stores each of the player's guesses and corresponding submission results
  • For each round, a droid can be dragged and dropped into the play area to forumlate a guess at the final code.

Other Things

  • Droids wiggle when they're scared.
  • Special thanks to @ajhofferber for helping me turn .off() that gremlin, Rosie.


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