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Dance Everyday!


Project Description

Dance Everyday is a website in which dance venues will display their events by dance, location, and time.With Dance Everyday organizers will be able to create,modify and list all dance events.


This is the drafted design for the landing page in desktop view:

and the design for mobile:


  • Build out the database to represent the relation between venue and events per menu.
  • Render 2 filter views of available events in the city: by dance, by venue.
  • Set up routes for the home, event list, edit, event, create.
  • Mobile first design


  • Add user auth with favorites and add venue
  • Friend Finder
  • Food near venue
  • Add another filter view for dance style

ERD Diagram

Diagram of the Database:

React Component Hierarchy

Priority Matrix

Components List

Houses all component routes and feeds the Home component initial fetch data
Home houses a Nav component and renders on initial load through the '/' route as well as rendering a searchbar and event results list
Event results consumes inital fetch data as well search data and rerenders on fetch. Also serves as a styling container for EventList
Conditionally renders event cards based on the props provided from EventList as well as rerenders on Create Event
Conditionally renders based on wether or not the edit button is clicked. Displays information from events such as location, time, and style. As well as provides an edit and delete button
Fetches a new list based on search filters by dance and by venue
Displays dummy data about the contributors of this project as well as contact information

( Jaabel ) Backend Engineer Priority Estimated Time Time Invetsted Actual Time
Setup files H 1hrs
Setup models H 1hrs
Create Database H 1hrs
Create Tables H 1hrs
Create and fill seed data H 3hrs
Fill Seed Data H 3hrs
Migrate / Test / debug H 3hrs
Create routes H 3hrs
Test routes / debug H 3hrs
Create api Docs H 6hrs
Providing Support to Frontend H 5hrs
Total H 30hrs

( Nelson ) Frontend Engineer Priority Estimated Time Time Invested Actual Time
Fill Seed Data H 1hrs 1 1
Scaffolding Components H 1hrs 1 1
Connect front-end to Api H 3hrs 4 4
Create Output cards H 4hrs 3 3
Functioning SearchBar H 8hrs 10 10
Add editing re-rendering H 6hrs 4 4
Add deletion re-rendering H 3hrs 1 1
Add creating re-rendering H 4hrs 5 5
Total H 30hrs 29 29

( Anna ) Frontend Engineer & Styler Priority Estimated Time Time Invested Actual Time
Fill Seed Data H 3hrs 1hrs 1hrs
Header H 4hrs 2hrs 2hrs
Navigation Bar H 3hrs 4hrs 4hrs
About H 3hrs 2hrs 2hrs
Footer H 1hrs 1/2hr 1/2hr
Output cards H 5hrs 5hrs 5hrs
Search bar styles H 1hrs 4hrs 4hrs
Media queries H 4hrs 4hrs 4hrs
Finishing touches H 6hrs 6hrs 6hrs
Total H 30hrs 28.5hrs 28.5hrs

Additional Libraries

React-router, axios

Code Snippet

function Nothing(Written) {
	return( something soon... )

Issues and Resolutions