SubHub provides location, information and user-reviews of restaurants nearby Sydney. SubHub retrieve data from Google Places API and Zomato API, third-party APIs that allows developers to access their data and functionality by making requests with specific parameters to a URL. In this particular case, we put parameter of location based on Google Places (since this is the best one) and detail information including name of restaurant, type of restaurant, and user-reviews from Zomato. This app will run dynamically updated HTML and CSS powered by Javascript and jQuery.
AS A foodie traveller, I WANT to find somewhere good to eat. SO THAT I can find the best nearby restaurants.
- GIVEN a foodie dashboard with dropdown buttons
- WHEN I search for a type of restaurant
- THEN I am presented with a map showing markers nearby restaurant added to the search history
- WHEN I click a marker of selected restaurant
- THEN I am presented with the restaurant name, address, phone number, website (if available), and star reviews
- WHEN I click on a type of restaurant in the search history
- THEN I am again presented with a map showing markers nearby restaurant
- WHEN I open the resto dashboard
- THEN I am presented with the last searched resto
Files Name | Description |
index.html | Homepage |
display_page.html | Search Result |
myfave.html | Search History |
ourteam.html | Our Team |
styles.css | Main stylesheet |
geolocation.js | Geolocation Functionality |
result_page.js | Search Result Functionality |
myfave.js | Search History Functionality |
images folder | All images file |
- [VScode] ( - The editor of choice.
- [Chrome DevTools] ( - The editor pages on-the-fly and problem diagnostic.
- [W3C MarkUp Validator] ( - The markup validation service (HTML, XHTML) of web documents.
- [GetBootstrap] ( - Open-source CSS framework directed at responsive, mobile-first front-end web development.
- [Postman] ( - The Postman API allows to easy access to API.
- [Favic-O-Matic] ( - The favicon generator both .ico, PNG and the HTML code needed.
- [Google Maps API] ( - An interactive map to our website
- [Google Places API] ( - a simple way to add Google's rich, local information to your maps.
- [Zomato API] ( - GET /cuisines / Get list of all cuisines in a city