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File metadata and controls

487 lines (369 loc) · 15.9 KB


The function lets you make use of a corpus in the same way as the use statements in MySQL and MongoDb let you make use of a database. It loads the features of a corpus plus extra modules, it loads the TF app or a customization of it, and makes it all available in an API. If any of the above mentioned ingredients is not locally available on your computer, it will auto-download it, subject to checkout specifiers that you provide.

Basic usage:

A = use("org/repo")


A = use("org/repo:specapp", checkout="specdata")
A = use("org/repo:specapp", checkout="specdata", backend="")

See tf.about.corpora for a list of known corpora that can be loaded this way.

Full usage

A = use(
    backend=None,     # e.g. ""
    checkout=None, # e.g. "latest"
    relative=None, # e.g. "path/to/dir"
    version=None,  # e.g. "1.2.3"
    mod=None,      # e.g. "org1/repo1/path1:specmod1,org2/repo2/path2:specmod2"
    setFile=None,  # e.g. "path/to/file"

Legacy usage:

A = use("corpus")


A = use("corpus", legacy=True)


!!! caution "Security warning" TF apps may be downloaded from GitHub / GitLab and then imported as a module and then executed.

Do you trust the downloaded code?
Make sure you know the repository where the code comes from, and the people
who own the repository.

!!! note "Security note" TF data maybe downloaded from arbitrary repositories on GitHub / GitLab, but the downloaded material will be read as data and not executed as code.


When loading a corpus via this method, most of the features in view will be loaded and made available. However, some TF apps may exclude some features from being automatically loaded. And in general, features whose names start with omap@ will not be automatically loaded. Any of these features can be loaded on demand later by means of

During start-up the following happens:

  1. the corpus data may be downloaded to your ~/text-fabric-data directory, if not already present there;
  2. if your data has been freshly downloaded, a series of optimizations is executed;
  3. most features of the corpus are loaded into memory.
  4. the data is inspected to derive configuration information for the advanced API; if present, additional settings, code and styling is loaded.


Loading a corpus consists of 2 separate steps:

  1. load the app of the corpus (configuration setting, static material, python code)
  2. load the data of the corpus.

Both items can be specified independently, in terms of where they reside locally or online. Such a specification consists of a path and a checkout specifier. The path part looks like a directory, and specifies a location inside a repository, e.g. ETCBC/bhsa. The checkout specifier part is a keyword:

  • local under your local directory ~/text-fabric-data
  • clone under your local directory ~/github
  • latest under the latest release, to be checked with online back-end
  • hot under the latest commit, to be checked with online back-end
  • v1.2.3 under release v1.2.3, to be fetched from online back-end
  • 123aef under commit 123aef, to be fetched from online back-end
  • absent under your local directory ~/text-fabric-data if present, otherwise the latest release on back-end, if present, otherwise the latest commit on back-end.

For a demo, see banks/repo.

Specifying app and / or data

By default, the online repository for apps and data is GitHub.

But you can also use GitLab instances. You do that by specifying the server location in the parameter backend, e.g.



  • None, "",, github
  •, gitlab

The specification of the app is in the first argument: app-path:app-checkout-specifier The normal case is where app-path has the form org/repo pointing to a repository that holds the corpus, both app and data. If we find an app under app-path, it will have information about where the data is, so the data-path is known. The data-checkout-specifier is passed as an optional argument: checkout=data-checkout-specifier.

So far we have described how to use a TF corpus which has an app inside in the standard location, i.e. as org/repo/app, and also the data is in the standard location, i.e. org/repo/tf.

If the app resides in the standard location, but the data is somewhere else in the repository, you may pass relative="path/to/data to customise the location of the data.

You can use this is you have one app and multiple corpora in one repo, all using the same app.

For the case where both app and data reside in arbitrary places, there is additional syntax in the first argument:

  • app:full/path/to/tf/app Specify the location of the app. You may not append a checkout specifier to this.

  • data:full/path/to/tf/data/version Do not try to find an app, but point to the data instead (a generic TF app with default settings will be used). You may pass a checkout specifier by appending :xxx.

  • corpus legacy way of calling an app by its name only. Find a TF app in repo annotation/app-corpus.

    Without legacy=True, you get a warning, and TF assumes the TF app has been migrated from annotation/app-corpus to org/repo/app, and it loads the app from there.

    If you pass legacy=True you do not get that warning, and TF loads the app from annotation/app-corpus.

    You have to use this if you go back in the history to times where the legacy method was the only method of loading a corpus. The older history of the app is preserved in annotation/app-corpus, but not in the migrated org/repo/app.


TF expects that the data resides in version directories. The configuration of a corpus app specifies which version will be used. You can override that by passing the optional argument version="x.y.z". Where we do not have a corpus app that specifies the version, i.e. if you pass a data:path/to/tf/data string you must either:

  • specify the paths so that they include the version directory
  • specify the path to the parent of the version directories and pass version="x.y.z"

!!! caution "Modules" If you also ask for extra data modules by means of the mod argument, then the corresponding version of those modules will be chosen. Every properly designed data module must refer to a specific version of the main source!

Modules and sets

Besides the main corpus data, you can also draw in other data.


They are typically sets of features provides by others to enrich or comment the main corpus. A module is specified in much the same way as the main corpus data. The optional mod argument is a comma-separated list or an iterable of modules in one of the forms




All features of all those modules will be loaded. If they are not yet present, they will be downloaded from a back-end first. For example, there is an Easter egg module on GitHub, and you can obtain it by


Here the {org} is ETCBC, the {repo} is lingo, and the {path} is easter/tf under which version c of the feature egg is available in TF format. You can point to any such directory in the entire GitHub if you know that it contains relevant features.

Your TF app might be configured to download specific modules. See moduleSpecs in the app's config.yaml file. If you need these specific module with a different checkout specifier, you can override those by passing those modules in this parameter explicitly.

!!! hint This is needed for example if you specify a specific release for the core data module. The associated standard modules probably do not have that exact same release, so you have to look up their releases in GitHub / GitLab, and attach the release numbers found to the module specifiers.

!!! caution "Let TF manage your text-fabric-data directory" It is better not to fiddle with your ~/text-fabric-data directory manually. Let it be filled with auto-downloaded data. You can then delete data sources and modules when needed, and have them re-downloaded at your wish, without any hassle or data loss.


They are named node sets, that, when imported, can be used in search templates as if they were node types. You can construct them in a Python program and then write them to disk with tf.lib.writeSets. When you pass that file path with setFile=path/to/file, the named sets will be loaded by TF.

See also and tf.lib.readSets.


Sometimes you need to deviate from settings that have been specified in the TF app that you invoke. Or you want to set things explicitly when you do not invoke a TF app. You can prepare a dictionary of such settings, say configOverrides, and pass the contents as keyword arguments: **configOverrides. The list of possible settings is spelled out in tf.advanced.settings.

!!! hint "Corpus has moved" Suppose you want to work with an older version of the corpus. A complication occurs if the repo has been renamed and / or moved to an other organization. When you go back in the history and download an older version of the app, its configuration settings specify a different org, repo and relative path than what is currently the case. Here the possibility to override settings come to the rescue.

A good example is in
which resided in `annotation/clariah-gm` before, and in `Dans-labs/clariah-gm` even earlier.

When we want to migrate manual annotations made against the 0.4 version to the 0.7
version, we run into this issue.
But we can still load the 0.4 version by means of

A = use(
    provenanceSpec=dict(org="clariah", repo="wp6-missieven"),


The result of A = use() is that the variable A holds an object, the corpus app, loaded in memory, offering an API to the corpus data. You get that API by api = A.api, and then you have access to the particular members such as

  • F = api.F (see tf.core.nodefeature.NodeFeature)
  • L = api.L (see tf.core.locality.Locality)
  • T = api.T (see tf.core.text.Text)
  • TF = api.TF (see tf.core.fabric.FabricCore)

If you work with one corpus in a notebook, this gets cumbersome. You can inject the global variables F, L, T, TF and a few others directly into your program by passing hoist=globals(). See the output for a list of the new globals that you have got this way. Do not do this if you work with several corpora or several versions of a corpus in the same program!

Volumes and collections

Instead of loading a whole corpus, you can also load individual volumes or collections of individual volumes of it. If your work is confined to a volume or collection, it might pay off to load only the relevant pieces of the corpus. TF will maintain the details of the relationship between the parts and the whole.

!!! caution "Volumes and collections" It is an error to load a volume as a collection and vice-versa

You get a warning if you pass both a volume and a collection.
The collection takes precedence, and the volume is ignored in that case.


If you pass volume=volume-heading TF will load a single volume of the work, specified by its heading. The volume is stored in a directory with .tf files, located under the directory _local which is in the same directory as the .tf files of the work. See tf.about.volumes.


If you pass collection="collection-name" TF will load a single named collection of volumes of the work. The collection is stored in a directory with .tf files, located under the directory _local which is in the same directory as the .tf files of the work. See tf.about.volumes.

Lower level

locations, modules

You can add other directories that TF will search for feature files. They can be passed with the locations and modules optional parameters. For the precise meaning of these parameters see tf.core.fabric.FabricCore.

!!! note "More, not less" Using these arguments will load features on top of the default selection of features. You cannot use these arguments to prevent features from being loaded. Read on to see how you can achieve the loading of fewer features.


So far, A = use() will construct an advanced API with a more or less standard set of features loaded, and make that API available to you, under A.api. But you can also setup a core API yourself by using the lower level method tf.core.fabric.FabricCore with your choice of locations and modules:

from tf.fabric import Fabric
TF = Fabric(locations=..., modules=...)
api = TF.load(features)

Here you have full control over what you load and what not. If you want the extra power of the TF app, you can wrap this api:

A = use("org/repo", api=api)


A = use("app:path/to/app", api=api)


!!! hint "Unloaded features" Some apps do not load all available features of the corpus by default.

This happens when a corpus contains quite a number of features
that most people never need.
Loading them cost time and takes a lot of RAM.

In the case where you need an available feature
that has not been loaded, you can load it by demanding

TF.load('feature1 feature2', add=True)

provided you have used the `hoist=globals()` parameter earlier.
If not, you have to say

A.api.TF.load('feature1 feature2', add=True)


Loading a corpus can be quite noisy in the output. You can reduce that by means of the silent parameter.

The default is auto, which suppresses most messages of the loading of individual features, except the potentially time-consuming ones.

If you pass terse, also these time-consuming operations will not be displayed.

If you pass clean, nearly all output of this call will be suppressed, including the links to the loaded data, features, and the API methods. Error messages will still come through.

If deep, all output will be suppressed, except errors.

The value verbose is like auto, with the following extras: after a corpus has been loaded, a header is produced showing information about all features loaded, including their descriptions as given in the metadata of the features. With verbose, not only the descriptions, but all metadata fields of the features are included.

Usually this will generate a big HTML string with a lot of redundant information.

Prevent data loading

Data loading is costly. If you need to get some information of a TF dataset that is not dependent on loaded data features, you can suppress the loading of data by

A = use("org/repo", loadData=False)

You can also prevent loading data of modules that are associated with the code data by default. These are the ones specified in the config.yaml file of the corpus app under provenanceSpec > moduleSpecs:

A = use("org/repo", loadData="core")