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anobin edited this page Feb 7, 2011 · 4 revisions

This page describes the demo programs included with 3DMagic. The demos are separate from the programs as they involve numerous features and are meant for testing, where the examples are usually meant to depict a single feature or teach a lesson.


This is the only current demo, it is simply a flat field where you can throw small balls and spawn large balls. The demo uses a custom first person shooter (FPS) camera.


  • w - move forward
  • s - move backward
  • a - move left
  • d - move right
  • f - fire a small 1kg ball forward with the set force
  • g - spawn a large 50kg ball at the world origin
  • , - decrease the firing force by 100
  • . - increase the firing force by 100


As 3DMagic does not distribute images/textures, all the textures needed for this demo will have to be acquired separately and placed in the locations indicated in the source. The following is the current list of images required by this demo, note that all paths are relative to the root of the repository.

  • Repeating stone image - images/stone.tga
  • Repeating marble image - images/marble.tga
  • Non-repeating dirty bunker wall - images/ConcreteBunkerDirty.tga
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