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Fetches Backup Stats
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bkrishna-hari committed Feb 14, 2018
1 parent 85d3310 commit 5e14aed
Showing 1 changed file with 314 additions and 0 deletions.
314 changes: 314 additions & 0 deletions List-StorSimpleBackupStats.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
This scipt gives StorSimple Backup stats on BackupStatus, Available backups count and Status of backup jobs.
Steps to execute the script:
1. Open powershell, create a new folder & change directory to the folder.
mkdir C:\scripts\StorSimpleSDKTools
cd C:\scripts\StorSimpleSDKTools
2. Download nuget CLI under the same folder in Step1.
Various versions of nuget.exe are available on Each download link points directly to an .exe file, so be sure to right-click and save the file to your computer rather than running it from the browser.
wget -Out C:\scripts\StorSimpleSDKTools\nuget.exe
3. Download the dependent SDK
C:\scripts\StorSimpleSDKTools\nuget.exe install Microsoft.Azure.Management.Storsimple8000series
C:\scripts\StorSimpleSDKTools\nuget.exe install Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory -Version 2.28.3
C:\scripts\StorSimpleSDKTools\nuget.exe install Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure.Authentication -Version 2.2.9-preview
4. Download the script from script center.
wget -Out List-StorSimpleBackupStats.ps1
.\List-StorSimpleBackupStats.ps1 -SubscriptionId [subid] -TenantId [tenantid] -ResourceGroupName [resource group] -ManagerName [device manager] -DeviceName [device name] -AuthNType [Type of auth] -AADAppId [AAD app Id] -AADAppAuthNKey [AAD App Auth Key]
SubscriptionId: Input the Subscription ID where the StorSimple 8000 series device manager is deployed.
TenantId: Input the Tenant ID of the subscription. Get Tenant ID using Get-AzureRmSubscription cmdlet or go to the documentation
ResourceGroupName: Input the name of the resource group on which to read volumes, backup catalogs and jobs.
ManagerName: Input the name of the resource (StorSimple device manager) on which to read volumes, backup catalogs and jobs.
DeviceName: Input the name of the StorSimple device on which to read volumes, backup catalogs and jobs.
FilterByStartTime: Input the start time of the backups and jobs to be filtered. Eg: (Get-Date -Date "2017-01-01 10:30")
FilterByEndTime: Input the end time of the backups and jobs to be filtered. Eg: (Get-Date -Date "2017-01-01 10:30")
AuthNType: Input if you want to go with username, AAD authentication key or certificate. Refer
Possible values: [UserNamePassword, AuthenticationKey, Certificate]
AADAppId: Input application ID for which the service principal was set. Refer
AADAppAuthNKey: Input application authentication key for which the AAD application. Refer
AADAppAuthNCertPath: Input the service principal certificate for the AAD application. Refer
AADAppAuthNCertPassword: Input the service principal ceritifcate password for the AAD application. Refer

[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Input the Subscription ID where the StorSimple 8000 series device manager is deployed.")]

[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Input the ID of the tenant of the subscription. Get using Get-AzureRmSubscription cmdlet.")]

[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Input the name of the resource group on which to read volumes, backup catalogs and jobs.")]

[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Input the name of the StorSimple device manager on which to read volumes, backup catalogs and jobs.")]

[parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Input the name of the StorSimple device on which to retrieve volumes, backup catalogs and jobs.")]

[parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Input the start time of the backups and jobs to be filtered.")]

[parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Input the end time of the backups and jobs to be filtered.")]

[parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Input if you want to go with username, AAD authentication key or certificate. Refer")]
[ValidateSet('UserNamePassword', 'AuthenticationKey', 'Certificate')]
$AuthNType = 'UserNamePassword',

[parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Input application ID for which the service principal was set. Refer")]

[parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Input application authentication key for which the AAD application. Refer")]

[parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Input the service principal certificate for the AAD application.")]

[parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Input the service principal ceritifcate password for the AAD application.")]

# Validate FilterByStartTime and FilterByEndTime
if ($FilterByStartTime -eq $null -and $FilterByEndTime -ne $null) {
Write-Error "FilterByStartTime can not be null or empty. Please enter a valid date"
} elseIf ($FilterByStartTime -ne $null -and $FilterByEndTime -eq $null) {
Write-Error "FilterByEndTime can not be null or empty. Please enter a valid date"
} elseIf ($FilterByStartTime -gt $FilterByEndTime) {
Write-Error "FilterByStartTime can not be greaterthan FilterByEndTime"

# Set Current directory path
$ScriptDirectory = $PSScriptRoot

# Load all required assemblies
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom((Join-Path $ScriptDirectory "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.2.28.3\lib\net45\Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll")) | Out-Null
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom((Join-Path $ScriptDirectory "Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure.3.3.7\lib\net452\Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure.dll")) | Out-Null
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom((Join-Path $ScriptDirectory "Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.2.3.8\lib\net452\Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.dll")) | Out-Null
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom((Join-Path $ScriptDirectory "Newtonsoft.Json.6.0.8\lib\net45\Newtonsoft.Json.dll")) | Out-Null
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom((Join-Path $ScriptDirectory "Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure.Authentication.2.2.9-preview\lib\net45\Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure.Authentication.dll")) | Out-Null
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom((Join-Path $ScriptDirectory "Microsoft.Azure.Management.Storsimple8000series.1.0.0\lib\net452\Microsoft.Azure.Management.Storsimple8000series.dll")) | Out-Null

# Print method
Function PrettyWriter($Content, $Color = "Yellow") {
Write-Host $Content -Foregroundcolor $Color

# Create a query filter
Function GenerateBackupQueryFilter() {
param([string] $FilterByEntityId, [DateTime] $FilterByStartTime, [DateTime] $FilterByEndTime)
$queryFilter = $null

if ($FilterByStartTime -ne $null) {
$queryFilter = "createdTime ge '$($FilterByStartTime.ToString('r'))'"

if ($FilterByEndTime -ne $null) {
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($queryFilter)) {
$queryFilter += " and "
$queryFilter += "createdTime le '$($FilterByEndTime.ToString('r'))'"

if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($FilterByEntityId))) {
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($queryFilter)) {
$queryFilter += " and "
if ($FilterByEntityId -like "*/backupPolicies/*") {
$queryFilter += "backupPolicyId eq '$($FilterByEntityId)'"
} elseif ($FilterByEntityId -like "*/volumeContainers/*") {
$queryFilter += "volumeId eq '$($FilterByEntityId)'"

return $queryFilter

# Create a query filter
Function GenerateJobQueryFilter() {
param([String] $JobType, [DateTime] $FilterByStartTime, [DateTime] $FilterByEndTime)
$queryFilter = $null

if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($FilterByEntityId))) {
$queryFilter = "jobType eq '$($JobType)' "

if ($FilterByStartTime -ne $null -and $FilterByStartTime -ne '') {
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($queryFilter)) {
$queryFilter += " and "
$queryFilter += "startTime ge '$($FilterByStartTime)'"

if ($FilterByEndTime -ne $null -and $FilterByEndTime -ne '') {
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($queryFilter)) {
$queryFilter += " and "
$queryFilter += "startTime le '$($FilterByEndTime)'"

return $queryFilter

# Define constant variables (DO NOT CHANGE BELOW VALUES)
$FrontdoorUrl = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"
$TokenUrl = "" # Run 'Get-AzureRmEnvironment | Select-Object Name, ResourceManagerUrl' cmdlet to get the Fairfax url.
$DomainId = "1950a258-227b-4e31-a9cf-717495945fc2"

try {
$FrontdoorUri = New-Object System.Uri -ArgumentList $FrontdoorUrl
$TokenUri = New-Object System.Uri -ArgumentList $TokenUrl

# Set Synchronization context
$SyncContext = New-Object System.Threading.SynchronizationContext

# Verify Credentials
if ("UserNamePassword".Equals($AuthNType)) {
# Username password
$AADClient = [Microsoft.Rest.Azure.Authentication.ActiveDirectoryClientSettings]::UsePromptOnly($DomainId, $FrontdoorUri)
$Credentials = [Microsoft.Rest.Azure.Authentication.UserTokenProvider]::LoginWithPromptAsync($TenantId, $AADClient).GetAwaiter().GetResult()
} elseif ("AuthenticationKey".Equals($AuthNType) ) {
# AAD Application authentication key
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AADAppId) -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AADAppAuthNKey)) {
throw "Invalid inputs! Ensure that you input the arguments -AADAppId and -AADAppAuthNKey."

$Credentials =[Microsoft.Rest.Azure.Authentication.ApplicationTokenProvider]::LoginSilentAsync($TenantId, $AADAppId, $AADAppAuthNKey).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
} elseif ("Certificate".Equals($AuthNType) ) {
# AAD Service Principal Certificates
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AADAppId) -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AADAppAuthNCertPassword) -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AADAppAuthNCertPath)) {
throw "Invalid inputs! Ensure that you input the arguments -AADAppId, -AADAppAuthNCertPath and -AADAppAuthNCertPassword."
if (!(Test-Path $AADAppAuthNCertPath)) {
throw "Certificate file $AADAppAuthNCertPath couldn't found!"
$CertPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $AADAppAuthNCertPassword -AsPlainText -Force
$ClientCertificate = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 -ArgumentList @($AADAppAuthNCertPath, $CertPassword)

$ClientAssertionCertificate = New-Object Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.ClientAssertionCertificate -ArgumentList $AADAppId, $ClientCertificate

$Credentials = [Microsoft.Rest.Azure.Authentication.ApplicationTokenProvider]::LoginSilentWithCertificateAsync($TenantId, $ClientAssertionCertificate).GetAwaiter().GetResult()

if ($Credentials -eq $null) {
throw "Failed to authenticate!"

# Get StorSimpleClient instance
$StorSimpleClient = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.StorSimple8000Series.StorSimple8000SeriesManagementClient -ArgumentList $TokenUri, $Credentials

# Set SubscriptionId
$StorSimpleClient.SubscriptionId = $SubscriptionId

# Fetch all Volumes at Device level
$Volumes = [Microsoft.Azure.Management.StorSimple8000Series.VolumesOperationsExtensions]::ListByDevice($StorSimpleClient.Volumes, $DeviceName, $ResourceGroupName, $ManagerName)

# Fetch all 'Scheduled' backup jobs
$JobType = [Microsoft.Azure.Management.StorSimple8000Series.Models.JobType]::ScheduledBackup
$JobFilter = GenerateJobQueryFilter $JobType
if ($FilterByStartTime -ne $null -and $FilterByEndTime -ne $null) {
$JobFilter = GenerateJobQueryFilter $JobType $FilterByStartTime.ToString('r') $FilterByEndTime.ToString('r')

$oDataQuery = New-Object Microsoft.Rest.Azure.OData.ODataQuery[Microsoft.Azure.Management.StorSimple8000Series.Models.JobFilter] -ArgumentList $JobFilter
$Jobs = [Microsoft.Azure.Management.StorSimple8000Series.JobsOperationsExtensions]::ListByDevice($StorSimpleClient.Jobs, $DeviceName, $ResourceGroupName, $ManagerName, $oDataQuery)

# Fetch all 'Manual' backup jobs
$JobType = [Microsoft.Azure.Management.StorSimple8000Series.Models.JobType]::ManualBackup
$JobFilter = GenerateJobQueryFilter $JobType
if ($FilterByStartTime -ne $null -and $FilterByEndTime -ne $null) {
$JobFilter = GenerateJobQueryFilter $JobType $FilterByStartTime.ToString('r') $FilterByEndTime.ToString('r')

$oDataQuery = New-Object Microsoft.Rest.Azure.OData.ODataQuery[Microsoft.Azure.Management.StorSimple8000Series.Models.JobFilter] -ArgumentList $JobFilter
$Jobs += [Microsoft.Azure.Management.StorSimple8000Series.JobsOperationsExtensions]::ListByDevice($StorSimpleClient.Jobs, $DeviceName, $ResourceGroupName, $ManagerName, $oDataQuery)

$VolumeContainerPath = "/subscriptions/$SubscriptionId/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.StorSimple/managers/$ManagerName/devices/$DeviceName/volumeContainers/"
$BackupPolicyPath = "/subscriptions/$SubscriptionId/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.StorSimple/managers/$ManagerName/devices/$DeviceName/backupPolicies/"

$VolumeStats = @()
foreach($Volume in $Volumes)
# Fetch all Bakcups by Volume.Id
$BackupFilter = GenerateBackupQueryFilter $Volume.Id
if ($FilterByStartTime -ne $null -and $FilterByEndTime -ne $null) {
$BackupFilter = GenerateBackupQueryFilter $Volume.Id $FilterByStartTime $FilterByEndTime
$oDataQuery = New-Object Microsoft.Rest.Azure.OData.ODataQuery[Microsoft.Azure.Management.StorSimple8000Series.Models.BackupFilter] -ArgumentList $BackupFilter
$Backups = [Microsoft.Azure.Management.StorSimple8000Series.BackupsOperationsExtensions]::ListByDevice($StorSimpleClient.Backups, $DeviceName, $ResourceGroupName, $ManagerName, $oDataQuery)

# Fetch all Jobs by BackupPolicyName
$VolumeJobsList = @()
if ($Volumes.BackupPolicyIds -ne $null)
foreach ($BackupPolicyId in $Volume.BackupPolicyIds) {
$BackupPolicyName = $BackupPolicyId -replace $BackupPolicyPath, ''
$VolumeJobsList += $Jobs | Where EntityLabel -eq $BackupPolicyName

# Add volume details
$object = New-Object System.Object
$object | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DeviceName -Value $DeviceName
$object | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name VolumeContainerName -Value ($Volume.VolumeContainerId -replace $VolumeContainerPath, '')
$object | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name VolumeName -Value $Volume.Name
$object | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name BackupStatus -Value $Volume.BackupStatus
$object | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name NumberOfBackupsAvailable -Value (($Backups | measure).Count)
$object | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name RunningJobs -Value (($VolumeJobsList | where Status -eq 'Running' | measure).Count)
$object | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SucceededJobs -Value (($VolumeJobsList | where Status -eq 'Succeeded' | measure).Count)
$object | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name FailedJobs -Value (($VolumeJobsList | where Status -eq 'Failed' | measure).Count)
$object | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name CanceledJobs -Value (($VolumeJobsList | where Status -eq 'Canceled' | measure).Count)

# Add volume object
$VolumeStats += $object

# Print Volume stats
if ($VolumeStats -ne $null) {
$VolumeStats | Sort-Object {$_.VolumeContainerName, $_.VolumeName} | Format-Table -Auto
else {
PrettyWriter "No volumes available in $DeviceName Device"
catch {
# Print error details
Write-Error $_.Exception.Message

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