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Releases: anowacki/BritishNationalGrid.jl


21 Mar 16:52
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BritishNationalGrid v1.0.0

Diff since v0.4.0

BritishNationalGrid.jl moves onto a v1.0.0 release, marking a stable package and API which will not change for the foreseeable future.

New features

  • Add lonlat2bng and bng2lonlat which are unchecked direct conversion routines between raw BNG coordinates and WGS84 longitude and latitude.

Merged pull requests:

Closed issues:

  • Converting UK National Grid to Lat Lon and vice versa (#8)
  • Direct transformation method (#9)


01 Feb 15:45
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BritishNationalGrid v0.4.0

Diff since v0.3.1

Rewrite package to use newer Proj.jl and be a modern package

Previously, we relied on on Proj4.jl, which is no longer developed. That version of the Proj wrapper used a different method to calculate the conversion between the National Grid and WGS84 coordinates. Newer versions of Proj know to automatically use a set of grid points to do the conversion. This requires us to create an artifact (which has to be an optionally compressed tar file) containing these grid points, because Proj does not come with them. Therefore, the new version of this package ships the required artifacts and performs a more accurate conversion than before. It also becomes a modern Julia package with a Project.toml file and so on.

Along the way, we can drop the requirement on Formatting.jl and use the features in the Printf standard library since Juliva v1.6. This means v1.6 is now our minimum version.

Because this therefore breaks semver, we also take the opportunity to slightly change the API. Overall, therefore, the breaking changes are:

  • Change the lon-lat to BNG conversions so they are more accurate
  • Make some of the arguments to gridref keyword arguments

The major non-breaking change is:

  • Update Julia minimum version to v1.6

Merged pull requests:

Drop Julia v0.6 support and add precompilation

02 Apr 09:26
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This release drops support of legacy Julia versions < v0.7 and enables precompilation of the module. No functional changes are included.

Update for compatibility with Julia v0.7+

03 Oct 10:32
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BritishNationalGrid now targets Julia v0.6, v0.7 and v1.0 and tests all of these platforms.

No functional changes are included in this update.

Release bump to try Attobot

03 Apr 17:31
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Add version bounds in REQUIRE; use Compat.Test