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Posting Protocol, SSG (static site generator) abstract class for extensible use. Only supports Python 3.5+, for the compatibility of 3.4, 2.7 or other versions not tested and guaranteed.



Not on PyPI yet. Please clone and manually run the setup script.

$ git clone
$ cd postocol
$ python3 install # or use `-r` to specify requirements

Implementation Workflow

  • There are 3 document types that Postocol mainly serves, which are:
    • Single page (e.g. slideshow)
    • Blog
    • Wiki
  • Therefore, Postocol will by default trace 6 types of templates as follows:
    • index, for blog or wiki, or even the slideshow (because it can be stored in one static HTML file, hence assuming that it is an index page)
    • post, for blog or wiki, e.g. an article
    • states, mainly for wiki, a list containing the current states of a post, e.g. unfinished, not proofread, stub, etc., similar to Wikipedia:Tagging pages for problems
    • properties, for wiki or blog, a list of the properties of a post, e.g. howto, daily, compsci, PoC, etc., similarly the categories or tags
    • misc, something you want to provide independently, instead of listing in index, states or properties, e.g. about, contact, resume, etc.
    • layout, serving something above
  • Additionally, index, states and properties could be automatically generated from self-implemented Postocol.render() method.

For single-page (slideshow) generator

There is no need to clean() anything and send_static() for a single-page generator, so the workflow is simple. For instance, a slideshow generator might act like this.

                    load_templates()     publish()
                          |                  |
                          v                  v
( --+------- template ---+--> (index.html)
              |                    |
              +-- post ---> page --+
                   ^          ^
                   |          |
            load_posts()   render()

For blog/wiki generator

Wiki uses the whole functionality to update all the posts, whereas the workflow of a blog generator is similar:

( --+
( --+  clean(site/)  load_templates()  publish()  send_static()
           |         |            |              |             |
           v         v            v              v             v
       (content/) ---+----- templates ---+--> (site/) --+-> (site/static/)
                     |                   |              +-- (index.html)
                     +-- posts -> pages -+              +-- (states.html)
                          ^         ^                   +-- (properties.html)
                          |         |                   +-- (foo.html)
                   load_posts()  render()               +-- (bar.html)

API Reference



Type Default
str 'content'

Input file/directory.


Type Default
str 'site'

Output file/directory.


Type Default
str 'templates'

Template directory, mainly used by jinja2.Environment with the loader jinja2.FileSystemLoader for better flexibility.


Type Default
str 'static'

Static assets directory.


Type Default
str 'post'

If a post contains no type's in meta, insert default_post_type into it when the method Postocol.load_posts() is executed, for the convenience in someone's writing the post.


Type Default
list ['markdown.extensions.meta']

List of needed python-markdown extensions, where the "Name" suffixes should be given and will be completed, e.g. pass a ['extra'] and it will be extended to ['markdown.extensions.extra'] in the background.


Argument Return
Void Void

Clean all the files with extensions .html or .htm in the directory ofpath, and it will not remove anything if ofpath is a file.


fpath Type Return Type
str; self.tmplpath by default dict

Load all valid templates from fpath, and return a dict with the valid template types as keys, and the Jinja2 template paths as values. Attention, the template file extension should only be .html.


fpath Type Return Type
str; self.ifpath by default list

Load all valid Markdown posts from fpath, and return a list of their paths. These extensions are only readable for this method: .markdown, .mdown, .mkdn, .md, .mkd, .mdwn, .mdtxt, .mdtext, .text and .txt.

Postocol.render(posts) (abstract)

posts Type Return Type
list list

Abstract method for rendering the loaded Markdown posts. You can use bs4 and python-markdown to implement the rendering, but most importantly, returned list of pages (a page is a dict) should have at least 3 keys, which are content (Markdown-generated stuff), meta (metadata of a post) and fname (outpuf filename).

For example, a valid returned pages dict looks like this:

pages = [{'content': '<p>Rendered paragraph</p>',
          'meta': {'title': ['Hello, Postocol!'],
                   'type': ['post']},
          'fname': 'foo.html'}]

Postocol.publish(pages, tmpls)

pages Type tmpls Type Return
list dict Void

Render the templates tmpls with the generated HTML pages, and write them to ofpath. If ofpath is a file, the fname value in a page dict will be overridden, and the method brings out the file ofpath.


dest Type Return
str Void

Send the static assets directory self.staticpath to the dest directory, which might store some stylesheets, scripts or images.

Postocol.create_page_dict(content, tmpl_type)

content Type tmpl_type Type Return Type
str, list or dict str dict

Create a page dict manually, especially for index, states or properties because they could be automatically generated by self-implemented render() method. For instance, content can be a list of posts' titles and filenames, and pass 'index' to argument tmpl_type, and what will be returned is a dict like:

    'content': [{'title': 'Foo', fname': 'foo.html'}],
    'meta': {'type': ['index']},
    'fname': 'index.html'

And this is valid for publish() to render the templates. For further example about how to autogenerate an index (or states, etc.), please check out the examples directory, where there is a wiki generator.

Postocol.send_codehilite_style(theme, dest)

theme Type dest Type Return
str; 'default' by default str; self.staticpath by default Void

Create a pygments.styles stylesheet with CSS class name .codehilite for the use of python-markdown's extension, codehilite. Checkout the example of the wiki generator for more details.



The project site hosted on gh-pages branch contains a minimalist webpage generator that ignores two unnecessary methods clean() and send_static(), which can be your first sight under the hood.

Off we go!

First, import everything we need to implement our own render() method. os module can help us modify the filenames in the following steps. In the meantime, create a class inheriting Postocol with some key constants.

from postocol import Postocol
from os.path import basename, splitext

class Starter(Postocol):
    ifpath = ''
    ofpath = 'index.html'

Second, we add a run() method for the control flow, which goes like

Load templates from templates folder, and load to a list called posts. Render the Markdown file and bring the pages out. Phew, finally, we can publish it to the file index.html right now, which is combined with our templates and pages.

def run(self):
    self.tmpls = self.load_templates()
    self.posts = self.load_posts()
    self.pages = self.render(self.posts)
    self.publish(self.pages, self.tmpls)

Eventually, here comes the boss! Now implement the abstract method render() to extract the list of posts tuples to do some manipulation, and pass it to our pages list. Postocol.load_posts() collects 3 kinds of the page data: content (the generated HTML content), meta (title, type, date, etc., right at the beginning of a Markdown post) and fname (filename). Since we don't need to do something like auto-generating a table of contents in index, we now can straightly pass them to the page list.

def render(self, posts):
    pages = []
    # Tiny function to extract the filename and add a `.html` extension
    chfn = lambda x: '{}.html'.format(splitext(basename(x))[0])

    for c, m, f in posts:
        # Jinja2 renders the templates using kwargs, hence `pages` is a list
        # of the dicts
        pages.append({'content': c, 'meta': m, 'fname': chfn(f)})

    return pages

What is inside the and the index template will not be displayed right here. Check out the branch, where the generator uses Postocol.send_codehilite_style() to create code highlighting stylesheet for the code snippets. Run the script to see what magic will happen!

Main Course

See examples directory that offers a fully implemented wiki generator demo, which may help you fast-prototyping your own generator.


Postocol doesn't use any third-party testing libraries, for the built-in unittest is decent for testing its basic functionality, which is able to be used from the command line.

$ python3 -m unittest # use `-v` to show verbose of the test suite
