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A simplistic approach to a project release cycle by following the most common practice

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A simplistic approach to a project release cycle following the most common practice.

This plugin can be used to build artifacts for java and groovy based projects to bintray or any other repository where you would like to host your contents.

The gradle-release-plugin uses itself for releasing itself. You are welcome to take a look at the build scripts for a working example.


You need to add a buildScript dependency to enable this plugin:

buildscript {
  repositories {
    jcenter() // also available in mavenCentral()

  dependencies {
    classpath 'net.anshulverma.gradle:gradle-release-plugin:0.5.7'

Then apply the plugin:

apply plugin: 'net.anshulverma.gradle.release'


This plugin adds several tasks to your build. Two of these are most relevant:

Snapshot task

Executed using ./gradlew snapshot, this task will publish the build artifact to a remote OSS repository.

The snapshot task performs several checks before publishing any content:

  • checkCleanWorkspace - This task checks if the workspace is clean or not. In other words it makes sure that there are no uncommitted changes in your repository.

  • checkRepositoryBranch - This task checks if the current branch is in sync with the remote repository. This is required so that you can make sure you don't publish any change by mistake that does not exist in your codebase.

  • check - We also need to make sure that the current build passes before publishing any artifacts.

  • showPublishInfo - This is more of a informational task that prints the version information before publishing any artifacts. You can execute it directly as well to check what the next version will be (details on how to control versioning can be found in the options section below).

Once all of these checks are completed, then the publish task is executed which uploads the artifacts to any pre-configured repositories.

Release task

Once a release artifact is ready to be pushed, execute ./gradlew release to publish that artifact to any configured repositories and to bintray.

Just as in the snapshot task, this task also depends on checkCleanWorkspace, checkRepositoryBranch, check, showPublishInfo and publish tasks. In addition to these tasks release task also depends on bintrayUpload which uploads the build artifacts to bintray and (optionally) jcenter.


Since, this plugin configures versioning of your projects the configuration should be applied to the project before this plugin is applied. To do this, declare a releaseExt property like this:

ext {
  releaseExt = {
    // ... configuration settings for release plugin ... //

apply plugin: 'net.anshulverma.gradle.release'

Override versioning strategy

As per the current implementation, only git based repositories are supported and semantic version is parsed from the latest git tag. If this is not acceptable in your case, consider overriding versioning strategy:

ext {
  releaseExt = {
    versioning = { repository ->
      // this should return an array of size 4 where first three are numbers

repository argument

The repository argument in the closure above has several methods:

method name return type description
currentBranch string name of the current repository branch
synced boolean true if the repository is synced to remote
status string status of repository
tag string latest repository tag
upstream string name of the upstream for current branch

Update version info in other files

In some cases you want to tie together several files with the same version tag as the root project. This can be achieved by defining versionedFiles like this:

ext {
  releaseExt = {
    versionedFiles << [
      'src/main/resources/': [
          // line number -> template text for that line
          3: 'version=$currentVersionWithSuffix'
      'INSTALL.txt': [
          9 : 'Install sample version $currentVersion by $author',
          37: 'Download file: "$currentVersion-$releaseType.tar.gz'
      // this file is itself a template that get evaluated by the release plugin
      'README.txt.release-template': []

The task which updates the files above runs before every snapshot or release task.

By default this task will look for <file-name>.release-template files. If it does not find one then it defaults to using the one you specified.


boolean option types can be derived from string values like "true" and "false"

name type description default value
skipCleanWorkspaceCheck boolean Skip the checkCleanWorkspace task to disable checking if there are no uncommited changes false
skipBranchCheck boolean Skip the checkRepositoryBranch task to disable checking if the branch is in sync with remote false
skipAllChecks boolean Skip both of the above checks false
releaseType string Possible values: "major", "minor", "patch". Specify the type of release based on the commits that have gone in since last release "patch"
bintrayUser string The user name to use for bintray authentication null
bintrayKey string The key id for bintray authentication null

Multimodule projects

Multimodule projects are also supported. You don't have to do anything special to configure it.

You can apply the plugin just to the root project if you like. In this case tasks for all sub projects will automatically be configured by the plugin itself.


You are welcome to suggest changes or work on them yourself and issue a pull request. To make sure your changes pass all requirements, please run the check task:

$ ./gradlew check


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Anshul Verma :: anshulverma :: @anshulverma


Copyright (c) 2014 Anshul Verma

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


A simplistic approach to a project release cycle by following the most common practice






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